Carroms is the indoor game loved by millions and being played in several homes, especially during the rainy season as outdoor games & passtimes might prove tricky with the downpour. My office has given is three carrom boards (one for each floor) in order for us employees to kill time and as the first step to bring some recreational activities in an otherwise dull environment. They have proven to be a hit, since we have no other distraction, other than restricted internet access and that too only from the supervisory level onwards. Hence everyone is wanting to have a turn at the carrom board.
Ofcourse I went and played a couple of games, although my carrom skills are very, very rusty having not played in over 7 years or so. This brings back memories of my cousins & I playing this game over several rainy days or during the late evenings when there were nothing else interesting to do to kill time during out sumer holidays. Ah, those were the days. Then when I was 21, I met some of my cousins from Scotland for the first time and some of them liked playing carroms a lot! I remember particularly my cousin Sreeharshan aka Skibby, who is about 12 or 13 years younger than me, and who used to pester me every two hours by asking “You wanna play kaaarrrrroooooms?”
And I would always indulge him and play a few rounds. Once he even told me that we should have brough the carrom board with us….we were in a movie theatre along with some other relatives watching a Malayalam movie and he was bored!