So I took two days off from work to rest my body and my voice. Having lost my voice as a result of still continuing training despite a fever, a cough, a sore throat and a cold was an exhausting experience, as I still strained to be heard. So I had to rest it away from the confines of the office and rest for two days I did. I slept a lot, drank a lot of black coffee and saw 4 movies and streamed two episodes of Battlestar Galactica. That is what I call rest.
Yesterday I went out for sometime, had some coffee at CCD, bought a novel and had some good food. I also bought a copy of an old Tom Hanks movie Man With One Red Show. Jim Belushi & Carrie Fisher also star in it, its funny.
I wanted to buy a new pair of shoes as this one I’m wearing has holes. I think I should get 2 pairs. There’s a new store I want to check out near the bus stop next to mine. I also want a hamburger and a shake tonight.