- Back To The Future
- Life With Mickey
- Teen Wolf
- The Hard Way
- Secret Of My Success
- Greedy
- The Frightners
- Back To The Future II
- Back To The Future III
- For Love Or Money
- Doc Hollywood
Month: March 2008
Notes For 30th March
- I woke up at 5 am this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep, as my mouth was so dry due to last night’s drinking and me forgetting to get some water and keep it next to my bed.
- Since going back to sleep was next to impossible, I watched The Simpson’s Movie, for the 3rd time. It gets funnier each time I watch.
- Breakfast was funny tasting toasted bread and coffee
- Watched an episode each of CSI, CSI : Miami & CSI : NY from 12: pm till 3 pm. Jorja Fox & Emily Proctor are two hot babes. Can’t speak much about Proctor’s acting, though!!
- Is it just me or do you guys also crave eggs, especially sunny side up eggs, the day after drinking the previous night.
- I had some chocolate ice cream, that my mom had bought, a bit after lunch.
French Fries With My Drinks
Last evening, just after I left the office to head for home by 6:30 pm, Anil called me up and inquired as to where I was. I asked him if he would come for some drinks, so we arranged for me to meet him at the turn towards MG Road and we set off on his bike to Malabar House. He also said that he had some news.
As we sat and ordered some drinks and food, he told me about the girl he had spoken about earlier, the one he wanted to marry. He said that through his relative who knew the girl’s family, he came to find out that she wasn’t interested in marrying him because of the age difference, 11 years, and she was just leading him on. Now he couldn’t wait to get out of the company where they both worked. That was not good news to hear.
We had ordered beef roast by mistake and some chicken; the former turned out to be too spicy, with lots of thick gravy, for us to enjoy and the chicken was tasteless. We ordered a fish thingy and pork but the rescuer turned out to be french fries. Yes, french fries! I never have had fries with drinks but it seems to be ok. We ordered two plates of the tasty stuff and enjoyed the evening till 10:30 pm and then left for home.
Rikki Rockett Arrested
I am shocked to read that Poison drummer Rikki Rockett was arrested on rape charges. Rockett, 46, was arrested Monday at or near Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles police said. He was booked and released, and was awaiting an extradition decision by Mississippi prosecutors. A woman in Mississippi filed a complaint that she was raped on Sept. 23, 2007, at the Silver Star Casino, Neshoba County sheriff’s investigator Ralph Sciple said. “The subject, Rikki Rockett, forcibly had sex with an adult in one of the hotel rooms,” according to a complaint. Rockett was booked into the Los Angeles County jail under his stage name and released early Tuesday, according to jail inmate information on the county sheriff’s website. Sciple said there was no immediate attempt to bring Rockett back to Mississippi and a decision on extradition would await action by the district attorney.
American Idol 2008
I haven’t really followed American Idol last year or this year; some of the stuff is just plain stupid and they sing so many cliched songs. But you can get the occasional rocker who belts out a number or two and this guy is getting my vote! David Cook sings Chris Cornell’s version of Wacko Jacko’s Billie Jean
The Belgians Are Coming
Today we were getting visitors from Belgium at the office. Yeah, Belgium. The country which has all those different kinds of beer and who invented those delicious looking Belgian waffles. They were part of a college exchange program between India (or should I say Kerala) and Belgium and they were staying quite nearby. When they heard that there was a BPO call center near them, they wanted to see if they could visit the facilities. So it was arranged for them to come visit the office today. I was one of the people asked to meet with them.
They came to the office at 11:30 am and Kiran & I led them to one of our training rooms and greeted them. They were a mixed crowd, as a few were around middle aged and some were quite young, including two rather pretty girls and two girls who were dressed with much on show. We spoke a little bit about the company and the work that we do and played them a video given to us by the corporate team for situations like this. We fielded questions from the group and then took them on a walking tour of the call center.

We showed them the call center and the various processes that we have and invited questions from the group. We had to split them into two groups, so that they don’t crowd the floor – Aneet and I took one group and Neil & Kiran took the other. Lots of the people at the office were staring at the group and especially the two semi-dressed ladies but that is to be expected. They asked a lot of questions that we were only too happy to answer. One of the pretty young things and a guy kept asking me a lot of questions. Then we took them back down and into the corporate board room to meet the senior management, who probably bored them with facts & figures and fakes smiles & jokes.
And then off they went. Yay, Belgium!
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The Extreme Cover
16 Years
Today I was preparing for an Induction at the office where 26 new candidates would be joining. So I was entering my data, while waiting for them to come, arranging for the speakers to come and address them (besides the two sessions that I have to take). The 26 new trainees came in – just 4 girls – and I started to get their registration done and then a brief introduction round, getting to know the new joinees.
There she was, sitting in the front row. The face was familiar but ofcourse she had changed. I think she recognized me way before I knew who she was. I had a doubt so I checked her name against the list that I had. Then it was clear as crystal. It was her. It had been 16 year since I had seen her or spoken to her. She was one of my friends & classmates from high school. I had studied with her for 5 years, ages 11-15, yet I hadn’t thought about her in, oh probably 15 years. And there she was waiting to be inducted into the company by me.
She came to me during the break and asked me “Do you remember me”? And I replied, “Ofcourse I do. I had a doubt when I saw your face and then when I saw your name I immediately knew who you were”. She was married and had two kids now. Its nice to meet your old schoolmates.
The world is indeed a small place. Tiny, insignificant dust particle in the vast cosmos.
Back To Custom Anti-Spam
Somehow, today evening when I got back home, I wasn’t exactly happy with the way reCAPTCHA was working out. I really like the way the interface looks but it just wasn’t doing it for me.
So I have decided to go with the latest version of Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam Image Plugin (version 3.0.2). Read this for a brief write up on the plugin download afro samurai resurrection .
Once again Peter comes to the rescue.
What is reCAPTCHA? Well among other things, it’s my current anti-spammer tool of choice. A CAPTACHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. CAPTCHAs are used by many websites to prevent abuse from “bots,” or automated programs usually written to generate spam. No computer program can read distorted text as well as humans can, so bots cannot navigate sites protected by CAPTCHAs.
reCAPTCHA does the same thing, but it channels it by using images that are scanned from a book. The text is scanned and captured here while someone tries to enter a comment; in order to get it posted, you have to enter two scanned words. Bots can’t read images, so it works. I’m guessing & hoping that this will be the answer to all my problems.
So for my handful of regular readers, please continue to enter your comments. And while you are at it, please enter the words in the box at the bottom of the text box. Example shown just below. Let me know what you think. Peace.
The Fight Against Spam Continues
If you aren’t familiar with my ongoing battle with spammer and spambots then read here, here and here before reading below.
Ok? Got the picture? Fine, read further.
So since the time I’ve had to deactivate my previous spam filter, I have been hit with way too many spam comments. Mainly to do with subscriptions or purchasing of medical drugs & some other shit. I used to get so pissed off with the stupid comments and it gets on your nerve when you switch you pc on, login to ur gmail account & your WordPress account, just to see numerous spam comments! Needless to say, it would be better to close your ears if you were next to me!
My web hosting company sent me an email informing me that I had crossed the usual limit for multiple emails at a time through my website. This is because I had opted for the function that will automatically send me an email whenever someone leaves a comment in my website for moderation. So I got this email from a guy who said that I had crossed 200 emails in a minute, which is huge! I decided to search for a new anti-spam software and send him an email back. Within an hour, I had installed one and told the guy about it.
Only to find out that he was calling me!
Turns out the tech support guy was my cousin! (He was using a pseudo Americanized name in the email) Who had actually arranged for me to buy webspace in this company in the first place! I had no clue that he had joined my web hosting company.
We both had a laugh at that one.
Money For Nothing
Yippe! After a long, long wait, the cash finally comes in! After almost a month waiting for the check to reach me and then 21 working days for ICICI bank to get that converted through foreign exchange to make it in Indian Rupees for me, I finally got the cash that the company I was telling you about sent me for helping them a little as far as some advertising is concerned. All I did was host a few of their links in my webpage and they paid me some money for it. And I must have spent all of 30 minutes setting up those links on a lame table in my index page.
Truly Money For Nothing….now only if I could get my chicks that easily!!! :P
Waiting For A Boost
I Should've Learned To Play Them Drums
When I think of the the work I do & work I have done, I get some satisfaction :). But when my paycheck comes at the 1st of every month, I am not at all happy :cry: and feel disappointed. What is worse that some people in the same line of work get paid a whole lot more. What’s even worse is when some people have less to do and get paid a whole lot of money. What’s worst is when there are some assholes who do so little and yet are getting paid a whole lot just because they suck and they blow! Now that get’s my goat! :evil:
Internet Culture IQ
I’m happy to have been able to get something done at the office which was pending from the end of December. Ok, maybe the beginning of January to be more precise. Now that it is done I am satisfied.
It’s still raining quite a bit over here. I sometimes like to compare Cochin with West Coast North American cities where it rains a lot, Seattle in the US & Vancouver in Canada to be precise.
My idea of winding down the week was to have an early dinner of a couple of shawarma sandwiches before coming home to watch some football.
Fly Away BlueBird
I Prefer The Rain
It’s a dull day today for me and, based on a couple of other people, for most of the city as well. Even walking home last night, apart from the main road, the side street that leads to my apartment building seemed so dark and deserted, all the shops closed well ahead of time. It was just 8:40 pm but it felt more like 11 pm or so. I checked the time on my cell phone just to be sure, even if I knew that I had left the office at 8 pm. Good Friday blues getting ya down, Cochin?
I woke up by 6:30 am yet wanted to sleep some more. Its was a cold morning that meant waking my sleepy head was tough and after coffee I just wrapped my sheet around myself and listened to music until breakfast time. I spent most of the day online and after lunch watched Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country for the 10th or 12th time. I love all the Trek movies but I especially love this one, due to the villainous, Shakespeare quoting Klingon General Chang, played wonderfully by Christopher Plummer (“Don’t wait for the translation! Answer me now!“). Great way to spend a cold afternoon. And I napped for 3 hours, oh my!
It started raining heavily, and as well documented here, I prefer the rain. I so love it when it rains while I am at home and to feel the rain through my window bars. The air is kinda cold and it makes for lazy afternoon and evenings. And it beats the heat! But I can’t help be a little worried about all this rain, lightning & thunder in March! The effects of humans fucking up the planet. We only have one home, where will we go once we destroy it?