The last time we had a date like this was on 07.07.07, a year and a month ago. And before that it was 06.06.06 two years & two month ago and the 05.05.05……you get the picture!
Its a bit cool and all that. I read a few days back that there were many couples who planned on getting married today to make their wedding date a whole lot special. Funny, I thought that just the fact that you were getting married was supposed to be the ‘special’ part!
I also heard that many parents to be were hoping that they child would be born on 08.08.08! How on Earth can you plan such a thing? I would have to say, jump your spouse on about the first week of November 2007! :) What the hell, I plan on having my first born child come to this world on 09.09.09. That gives just over a year to start!