
The last time we had a date like this was on 07.07.07, a year and a month ago. And before that it was 06.06.06 two years & two month ago and the 05.05.05……you get the picture!

Its a bit cool and all that. I read a few days back that there were many couples who planned on getting married today to make their wedding date a whole lot special. Funny, I thought that just the fact that you were getting married was supposed to be the ‘special’ part!

I also heard that many parents to be were hoping that they child would be born on 08.08.08! How on Earth can you plan such a thing? I would have to say, jump your spouse on about the first week of November 2007! :) What the hell, I plan on having my first born child come to this world on 09.09.09. That gives just over a year to start!

Hopeful, Against The Odds

I’m beginning to feel that something good can finally happen. First things first:

  • I decided to try and get something fixed for myself at my current office. I went to speak to the center head and told him that I need a raise and that I wanted to be paid more in line with my current profile. My first month’s team performance was quite good so I felt I had some leverage. To my surprise he was positive about it and he suggested that I also keep the DGM for training (who I indirectly report to) informed about it and that they could take it from there.
  • I’ve tried to take it from there and speak to the DGM but she has been tied up the entire day. I was so hoping that I could get a good answer from them and that I could finalize on something.
  • I also got called for an HR interview round from another company which is based in Bangalore and, if selected, they can also give me an option to one of their branches in a city close to where the woman I like is currently working! Is that a sign of things? Or just wishful thinking on my part.

With my luck, I just know that I will end up not getting anything. Positive thinking? Yeah, right!