A Work Related Question

Hot, hot evening. Had a somewhat productive day. I usually enjoy working on Fridays but I just wish that we had two days off in a week. I stayed at the office till 8 pm after which 3 of us took a company cab that dropped us off at our respective homes.

download harriet the spy dvd twilight zone the movie movie download I have a question and I hope that my few readers will all give me honest answers to it. The question is :

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If you were given the oppurtunity to move to another city / town where you would make a lot of money, lots of perks, lots of career growth opportunities and essentially make a name for yourself, would you take it up if it also meant that you would have no social life to speak off and you couldn’t see your family & friends for a couple of years?

The answer as far as I am concerned is that, yes I would. Now, what’s your take on it?

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Gmail Has Themes For You & Me

Gmail has themes! I had already read about it in Miss604’s blog but it took Google a further 2 days to offer it to their subscribers in India. That’s ok!

I signed in to my Gmail account this morning and saw the option for themes bright and shiny at the top of the inbox. I said to myself “let’s give it a try” and clicked on it. There’s minimalistic themes for those people who prefer the basic Gmail look albeit with a little different colour scheme. There’s also picture backgrounds, animations and a couple of natural settings.

You can access the theme browser by going to Settings -> Themes. The nature themes are created to change scenery over time. Take a look at the various themes that they have and decide for yourself if you want to add some colour to your Gmail. With my Star Trek mind, I’ve chosen the Planets theme and it’s cool.

But I wonder how long it will take for most people to grow weary of the themes and go back to the old reliable but drab default one!

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