Hot, hot evening. Had a somewhat productive day. I usually enjoy working on Fridays but I just wish that we had two days off in a week. I stayed at the office till 8 pm after which 3 of us took a company cab that dropped us off at our respective homes.
download harriet the spy dvd twilight zone the movie movie download I have a question and I hope that my few readers will all give me honest answers to it. The question is :
If you were given the oppurtunity to move to another city / town where you would make a lot of money, lots of perks, lots of career growth opportunities and essentially make a name for yourself, would you take it up if it also meant that you would have no social life to speak off and you couldn’t see your family & friends for a couple of years?
The answer as far as I am concerned is that, yes I would. Now, what’s your take on it?