Black Ice – AC/DC

After a gap of 8 years (mighty long even for battled hardened veterans like themselves), AC/DC returns with a bloack of hard rocking anthemns titled Black Ice. It’s the 15th studio album put out by Australia’s finest & most beloved exports, produced by Brendan O’Brien and released in October. AC/DC were working on the album as early as January 2006, but it got delayed because of an injury to bassist Cliff Williams and a change of record labels to Sony Music, and in turn Columbia Records. Recorded in Vancouver, Canada, Black Ice is a great success, having sold around 1,762,000 units in its first week, shipping 5,000,000 copies worldwide. The album went #1in 29 different countries, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and United States. In its first week, it sold 784,000 copies in the US alone, with it receiving a three times platinum certification in Australia and selling upwards of 110,000 in the UK.

There’s something to be said for sticking to your guns and never changing. Right from the start Rock n’Roll Train fills the speakers with fat guitar riffs from brothers & guitarists Angus & Malcolm Young while drummer Phil Rudd pounds swinging drum fills one after the other with consummate ease. Skies On Fire, Stormy May Day & Black Ice have some kind of meteorological connection in their lyrics. Big Jack is about a tough guy who liked to party with pretty girls, fight and play poll.

Anything Goes sounds like it’s a song about a partying groupie. War Machine, Smash N’Grab & Spoiling For A Fight follow similar beats & riffs and could fit in any buddy cop / fun filled action thriller soundtrack. Wheels is about driving fast with a woman who is hot for some action. Decibel, She Likes Rock n’Roll, Money Made, Rock n’Roll Dream & Rocking All The Way

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is all out what the 5 Aussies love best – rock n’roll their style and the dream of playing across the globe in front of thousands in areanas every night. Whew! That’s 15 songs with great guitar riffs and drums. Brian Johnson sings a little more restraint than usual, as expected as they years catch up with him, but the effect is still the same.

This is probably one of their best albums ever and certainly their best since 1990’s The Razor’s Edge. They have made a solid comeback, won a few more thousands of new fans, will make a lot of dough with the world tour that supports this album. And they have shone the kids what it means to have staying power. So sticking to your guns and having an instantly recognizable sound is not too bad at all.

Here’s the video of the first single Black Ice. For those about to rock, I salute you.

Serenity On A Sunday

I dediced I didn’t want to go out and enjoy this beautiful Sunday and instead want to relax at home. I tried watching Serenity

for the 4th time last night but was falling asleep and so I stopped watching at around 30 mins in. One of the effect of the viral fever & medicines is that I am almost always sleepy. So I slept for about 8 hours. This morning I watched the rest of that great movie, which is one of my all-time favourites. People if you haven’t watched it yet, please go and buy the dvd; you won’t regret it.

I think my mother are going out to some temple and then go to an exhibition. My dad will be going out to the club along with sister & her family perhaps. I’m just going to nap in the afternoon or select a movie or two to watch while I rest in bed.

Arsenal Lose To Villa

That’s it. I give up. 4th loss in the league this season. Arsenal lose to Aston Villa 0-2 at the Emirates Stadium. Arsense Wenger – wake up; your team is not good enough. You squad is not strong enough and you have way too many players who play the same style and at the same level. They will not win us the league; they will not win us the Champions League either. They are losing to teams that they should be defeating. They are making me bored.

Seriously, at times Arsenal can be boring when they pass & pass and try to find the way in and don’t score even a single goal and the other team then goes on to win. It’s pathetic. But then our squad is not as strong a line-up as a couple of years ago. Wenger thinks he can win trophies with players that aren’t that good enough to win games against teams like Hull or Stoke. And Villa is actually a good team.

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I’m A Blueberry Muffin

You Are a Blueberry Muffin

You are a nurturing, domestic, homey person.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to make your own muffins at home.
You don’t like to rock the boat, and you’re most content when you’re making everyone else happy.
You are very loyal. You’ll defend your family and friends, even if you secretly disapprove of what they’re doing.

You tend to be a bit shy and withdrawn. You don’t make friends quickly or easily.

But once you do make a good friend, the chances are high that you’ll be friends for life.

Watching A Guy Slip At The Hospital

Feeling even more better today except for this really bad cough and wheezing. Spent the morning checking on my mail and some blogs. Did that until 1 pm when I went in for the bath. And oh was it liberating! I washed and washed and washed. I oiled and shampooed my hair. I dripped in the water, taking it all in and then I would bathe some more. A good rub down later, I was feeling quite good.

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While waiting for the doc, I sat on a wooden bench which was right next to the stairs leading to the first floor. There was a spill of water & I’m not sure but what looked like some medical oil as well. A guy walked by and slipped and was able to just catch himself. I helped him to the bench and he kept muttering about the inefficiency of the place while rubbing his ankle. Funny this – and I found this out much later – he was an attendant at the hospital. Well, my dad and I asked someone to get the thing cleaned up as it was health hazard. We got my meds and then he went on his way to get his hair trimmed and I walked back home.

Guess I’ll go back to work tomorrow. It hadn’t seemed likely that I would be able to get back until Monday or Tuesday but I’m bored now. And I’m ok, just as long as my wheezing doesn’t act up.

Love Your Favourite Blogs

Hey there dudes & dudettes, chicks & chickaletts…….or whatever crude form of pseudo hip greeting that was popular in the 80s that you would prefer.

Meleah has, in her loving post, talked about the recent awards that her admirers had bestowed upon her but which she only got round to acknowledging now. I was one of them; I had awarded her the ‘Perfect Blend of Friendship’ award a while back. There were a few others that she has won from her readers.

In return Meleah has awarded all the awards to her favourite daily blog reads, which includes me. She asked that we each pick our fav or all if we so chose to. I won’t be greedy. I’ve chosen this one since I know that Meleah loves my blog. She has too, or else she wouldn’t be my #1 commentor! Love you Meleah!

And oh I would like to pass on the award to Kikolani, Mack D Male, Jennifer @ Work In Progress, Christelle & Dutch Blitz

Soon I Was Seeing Visions And Cracks Along The Walls

When you consider the last few days, shut out from the outside world, not seeing anyone else outside of your household (well except the brief visit to the hospital) and all the time I spent in my bed just sleeping or dozing or half-asleep (most of the time) it’s easy to not notice the time passing by. The only indication for me as to what exact time it was, during these last 4 days, would be at 6 pm and 6:30 pm – cause the scheduled power cut is at 6 pm and it comes back at 6.30!

Thinking about this, and as always, a song will come to my mind about this time spent recuperating from my little bout with viral fever. It’s one of my favourites from Pearl Jam. It’s off their Yield album and it’s called In Hiding. Check out the lyrics!

To tell you the truth, I was beginning to see visions and there is a slender crack on the paint on my bedroom wall ;)

Getting On The Road To Recovery

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I’m feeling more like myself, atleast I don’t feel like sleeping all the time from today. Or more precisely from this afternoon. I did nap in the afternoon but by by around 4 pm, I was beginning to get a semblance of the old self once again. It is now 7:43 pm and aside from a cough that won’t quit, lungs that hurt when I cough or try to breath too deeply and a nagging tiredness all over…I’m almost as good as new! :D

No, it feels a lot better and I’m thinking of going back to work on Saturday as I know I will have a ton of mail and some other things to sort through. Lucky for me, my team has taken care of the major things and it will be only the things that need my sole intervension that is left. So the plan is to rest and hope the cough and the wheezing gets better by Friday night! If it isn’t then Monday will be the day that I go back to work.

But I still stink! Here’s looking forward to that hot shower and shampoo tomorrow!

Roshan Down…But Not Out

They’ve got me! But they’ll never take me alive…argh! (Oscar buzz and applause)

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No my friends, I’m just raising my weary head & body after a couple of sick days. Sunday evening I felt a little sick and thought that I was getting a fever. So I took Monday off, hoping that an extra day’s rest would cure me, but I just kept getting sicker & sicker. Even some delicious & hot chicken curry from Lotus Club that my folks & sister’s family brought me didn’t do much for me.

Tuesday I couldn’t lift my head. I was sure that it was either jaundice or viral fever. I just lay in bed unable to eat, drink or do anything. To go to the loo, it would take me 30 minutes just to get up and then 20 to tie a cloth around me and then 5 to get to the loo. I had a temperature of 103! So by evening, I was taken to the hospital, where the doctor informed me that it was infact viral fever and not jaundice. Or, like the doc put it, not jontsey! I had to check three times before I could confirm that jaundice and jontsey were one and the same. He wasn’t a Malayalee and his accent while speaking both English & Malayalam was a bit difficult to understand.

So I ended up getting a few pills and an injection on my bum. I came back home and the fever was quite rampant. I ended up sleeping for the most part of yesterday evening, night and most of today. I had my mother apply a cold, wet cloth to try and bring the fever down as well.

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I stink to hell and back because I haven’t taken a shower since Sunday (I had a body wash before going to the hospital but it just isn’t enough). I’ve sweated so much and I’ve kept the ceiling fan at a bare minimum due to my fever. My hair is sticky and dirty. My mouth feels so dry due to drinking so little water but lots of medicine in the last 4 days. I hope I feel much better tomorrow so I can take a long hot shower. And a shave! My stubble is outgrowing me.

Comments Block & WordPress Upgrade

The past couple of days I had noticed that there was a lack of comments. And even with the very few regular readers that my blog has, it was rare that I don’t get atleast a comment on two on one of my blog posts or the other. So, was it just a feeling or was there actually a problem?

About an hour back I tested a few comments and they weren’t getting published. Something was blocking them and I was getting a database error on the wp-comments.php file. This was frustrating. I was quite proud of upgrading to WordPress 2.6.2 and altering my current theme to look more like what I want it to, rather than what it originally is. I deactivated the spam plugin (the one that makes you enter a word from a random image) and the Gravatars plugin, thinking one or the other was responsible. But to no avail.

I then downloaded the latest version of WordPress, version 2.6.3 and quickly upgraded my blog. It still wasn’t doing the job. I went back to the plugins and found out the culprit! I had installed another spam blocker and I guess it was clashing with my old one. Anyway I had deactivated it and only the random image one remains. So if you are a reader who came in recently and tried to comment but couldn’t, please do read this and come back to comment.

Not All About Me

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Matt Dusk might be familiar to fans of Reality TV – the crooner was a regular on Mark Burnett’s The Casino, which one of the few watchable reality series on television. In the show, Matt was approached by the two dot-com millionaires, who own & manage the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino located in downtown Las Vegas, to be their in-house entertainer. From there he got the break needed to release his albums which has brought him attention and fame. Check out All About Me download go tell the spartans movie download the dark half dvd slaughter movie – who wouldn’t want to live in an apartment like the one shown in the video?

My Life In Calicut

It’s normally on Sundays, doing mostly nothing at home, that my mind often wanders to the past. Sometimes a particular song or even a phrase in a song can trigger a memory of a different time and images come rushing back, reminding you of what you did or what you saw. As I sat listening to music today, I started thinking about some of my tough times while living in Calicut.

You see I had joined this company called Aysha Infotech, based on the recommendation of my mom’s brother who had a friend working there. They company was setting up a call center in Calicut and I went for the interview, aced it and got selected to join up in the next 6 days. They had a client in the US who wanted us to do tele-marketing & collect leads for their electronic security systems. It seemed wonderful and all of us who joined were quite eager for work to start.

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Only thing is, a 3 month training program, which included a month spent accent training under an African-American former army soldier, went to over 8 months. We all also had to pay Rs.25k to undergo their training. We were supposed to get paid from the 4th month onwards. On a side note, the American trainer, Coretta, was also the first person to teach me that Black people can be racist too! She has time & again made quite a few derogatory remarks about Indians and Indian women in particular. Oh well, c’est la vie!

Anyway, we didn’t get paid from the 4th month onwards. The company made quite a few bad choices and went bankcrupt even before they could get the show on the road. Banks rejected their high business loan proposals and would offer much smaller amounts. 7 months after joining, the employees (including me) protested outside and they finally agreed to pay us a month’s salary and then another half. That was the extent of my pay there. They had us doing research & trial runs in a dusty, open floor with noisy building construction happening right next to us. It was a miracle that none of us died to inhaling broken brick granuels!

I made a ton of friends, some who I will always hold dear to my heart, and we had a lot of fun. But we were broke. For a couple of months I lived on Rs.32 a day – three budget meals, two cups of tea / coffee (one was free, courtsey of the company) and to & fro bus fare. Imagine breakfast at Rs.4, lunch at Rs.10 & dinner Rs.12. Remember, this was 2002 and I can’t imagine getting breakfast for anything less than Rs. 15 now! We spent a lot of time at the beach and somehow or the other, we always managed to spare Rs.50 every Thursday to pool together and buy a couple of bottles of rum! Good times – imagine 14 guys in a lodging room, drinking & singing at the top of their lungs.

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Within 2 weeks of me coming back home, I got laid up for a week with a high fever and no sooner was I back on my feet when I got the job at Aspin Wall. The dirt on that place is a blog post for another day but suffice to say, I think I was lucky that it wasn’t too bad for me at all.

Although a couple of us came this close (imagine your thumb & forefinger a couple of inches apart) to running away to Goa and working at the beach! :) That would have been an experience.

ROSHAN'S ELEVEN : Julianne Moore Movies

  • Nine Months
  • The Hours
  • The Forgotten
  • Hannibal
  • Evolution
  • Next
  • Assassins
  • The Lost World : Jurassic Park
  • The End Of The Affair
  • Far From Heaven
  • Laws Of Attraction

I’ve been extremely partial to Julianne Moore, watching her movies again and again when they show it on HBO or StarMovies, just for her. I can’t wait to watch Blindness

, which is sure to bring her more accolades.

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Arsenal 2 Man U 1

In what had been labeled the best match of the season so far, Arsenal rose to the occasion and beat rivals Manchester United 2-1. They managed to hold on for a big, big win after some relentless pressure from United. The hero for the night was French midfielder Samir Nasri, who scored both the goals for Arsenal.

Gunners manager Wenger admitted dressing room morale was low after their 4-4 draw with London rivals Tottenham and the defeat at Stoke – but this win at the Emirates Stadium breathes life into their campaign and lifts them above United in the Barclays Premier League. Wenger had Emmanuel Adebayor injured and Robin van Persie suspended but Nasri provided the attacking threat, taking advantage of slack marking in each half to grab his fourth and fifth goals of the season.

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Sens Stabalizing With 4-1 record

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The last 5 games have given us 9 points out of a possible 10, with 4 wins and an overtime loss. That loss was away to the Tampa Bay Lightning, 2-3 last Saturday. Antoine Vermette & Dany Heatley had the goals for Ottawa.

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Next the Sens comprehensively beat the Philadelphia Flyers in a 4-1 win at home. Heatley scored for the fifth straight game and Jesse Winchester had his first NHL goal, leading Ottawa to a 4-1 victory over the Philadelphia Flyers on Thursday night. Fisher had two assists in the win while defenceman Filip Kuba recorded his team-leading 14th assist on Heatley’s goal and Auld had only 17 shots to stop.

“Maybe In 8 Years”

Not only did McCain/Palin lose the election to the better suited Barack Obama, but Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin also found herself getting recorded while mild flirting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy! Only, it wasn’t actually him – it was two commedians at a radio station in Montreal, Canada! Listen to Palin getting pranked! It’s hilarious.