Too Tired For Air Guitar?

I’m back home after a full day at the office, working my ass off. Today has been filled with reports, mails, sorting out stuff & arranging for things. I’m back in the ground floor of the building after making a good statement for moving back down – as I manage the training team and as we have 4 batches undergoing training at the moment and with another 4 on the way in the next few weeks, I need to have access to them. I can’t be sitting 2 floors up while my trainers and the trainees sit in the training rooms on the ground floor.

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So once again, I have made my move downn and I brought the MIS guy of the training team with me. I spent time doing audits & interacting with 2 training batches and discussing the certification process with a third one. A few reports & mails later, I was dead tired. I’m doing a 11-8 shift at the moment, one made out of choice and I reach home at around 9 pm.

I was so tired today, it’s extremely humid & hot and I’m sweating buckets. I came home and washed my feet, hands & face and with a bottle of water in my hand, I switched on the computer. I’m listening to songs but I am too tired to sing along and play air guitar.

Really! I’m that tired!

RIP Natasha Richardson

Tony Award winning British theatre & film actress Natasha Richardson died due to an epidural hematoma, sustained after she took a fall at a ski resort in Canada. Richardson, the daughter of director Tony Richardson & actress Vanessa Redgrave, initially seemed ok after she fell but later complained of headaches and was taken to a New York cit hospital. She is survived by her husband, the actor Liam Neeson and their two sons. Her notable films included Nell download sweeney todd dvd (1994), The Parent Trap (1998 ), Waking Up In Reno & Maid in Manhattan

Natasha Richardson (11 May 1963 – 18 March 2009)