Around the 23rd of March I had posted about BarCamp Kerala 5, which is to be held in TechnoPark, Trivandrum. I had entered myself as an attendee and really wanted to go for the event. At that date it was just 14 people who had registered as attendees.
download rush hour 3 online Today when I checked out the site, it has spruced up quite a bit. They have added lots of banners & badges (you would notice that I’m doing my little bit to support the event too) and they now have 79 registered to attend the event – although I think the numbers should actually be only 40 genuine ones! Still that is a big improvement. And they also have a Twitter account! ice princess online
download to hell and back dvd Nine sessions have been announced as of now. I might not get the too techy stuff but I still wanna go. I’m gonna do my best to be there and attend the function. I’m trying to schedule my leaves from work to go to Trivandrum on the 2nd of May.