A Beautiful But Weird Layout For An Apartment

Pretty cool & stylish, well polished look for the apartment. It does have a weird layout though and I would change a few things, especially the bedroom/living room cum tv area. I mean, you don’t want to entertain guests in the same room as you sleep in, right? Well now, ofcourse unless the guest happens to be a sexy, busty blond with legs that you are dying to have wrapped around you!

But otherwise, I love this apartment and would want to live in a place like this. They haven’t shown us if there’s a balcony or something. I also notice a lack of windows! Still gorgeous.

Looking Forward To A Long Weekend

One of the worst things about working here is this medieval concept of a 6 day work week. This utterly stupid and tiresome schedule is killing the social life outta most of us. When I worked in the main office in Idea Cellular, for two years I had two days off (not necessarily Saturday & Sunday) and I loved it. For the 7 months I worked in Aspinwall it was a 2 day weekend with the exception of a few weeks. It was the same in Aysha Infotech.

I moved to Prudent technologies in 2006 January and  to my current company in January 2007. The concept was very different – 6 days working with Sundays being the day off. This is tiring. Most of India unfortunately works like this. Other than corporates. The idea should be that you work hard for 5 days and get two days off – irrespective of the days and they should be consecutive. You get one day for rest & relaxation at home and the other to paaaaartaaay!

Or just go out for some coffee, drinks, lunch or dinner, hang out with your friends and watch a movie or do whatever! This is a decent & sensible concept. But this wasn’t the way for me for the last 2.5 years. Until June. With my promotion, I also get 2 Saturdays off in a month and so I get a 2 day weekend.

I have a complimentary off for the 21st – I was working but it was a state holiday. So I plan to take Saturday & Sunday off and get a comp off on Monday – making it a long 3 day weekend. What shall I do? I dunno if I will be able to take it, something might crop up anytime and I may have to go back to the office. But I hope not. I plan to enjoy the 3 days in peace.