I haven’t traveled much since my early 20s and I haven’t been anyplace interesting since then. Since 1998 I have been out of the state only once – for a two day official trip to Trichy and visit the Tamil Nadu branch of our BPO. Although I am not much for traveling, I would like to see other places, meet some interesting people and especially visit the many offices that this company has. It’s the actual traveling that I don’t like.
I don’t like sitting in buses or trains for hours on end and I certainly do not like sleeping in trains. I hate having to pack and while unpacking at your destination realizing that I have forgotten to pack underwear or socks or soap or night clothes. I also am weary of food while in another state. Despite all this I still do like to see other cities and towns. So I am excited about the prospect of visiting either Chennai or Bangalore later this month for an official reason.
There’s a GB training session planned sometime between the 20th and the 30th of this month in one of the 3 offices that my company maintains in Bangalore. If not Bangalore, there is also another one planned in one of the 3 offices in Chennai. I’ve been nominated along with 3 other Assistant Managers to attend one or the other batch and then move onto a project at the earliest. I’m sure that it will be fun and I guess I should go if the opportunity does come up.