I only have a few options for getting real pizza in my city. Dominos, US Pizza & Pizza Hut are the ones that I have tried. Of those I have only tried a couple of slices of US Pizza and I didn’t like it. A few years earlier we had a Pizza Corner which I have tried and I think there are a couple of more places which offer real pizza but none that specialize in it.
While I fondly remember a couple of cafes that had some good pizzas among their wares, I prefer the real deal. Now I really love Dominos pizza as they have the best pizza out there. Best crust, best cheese, best topping -most delicious pizza you can currently get here. One problem – they went and changed their home delivery travel limits and now will not deliver to my area. Which is so stupid as they are quite close! I was so pissed off when I heard this that I was a little rude at the executive who picked my call. I complained to Dominos Facebook account but I don’t think they are going to change their policy just now!
So now Pizza Hut & US Pizza are the only ones I can order from, unless I go to one of the Dominos outlets. I don’t like US Pizza so I won’t order from them. I find Pizza Hut’s pies smaller – a medium from Dominos is much bigger than a medium from Pizza Hut! Why is that? Shouldn’t they have uniform radius for the sizes? And I also get a ….. buttery taste to the slices. I’m not kidding; eating PH slices is a lot like eating buttered toast with toppings! Well atleast they pizzas are good. It’s not a complaint just a weird feeling.
So although Dominos makes the best pizzas for us in Cochin, my choice for home delivery will be Pizza Hut!