Federal Bank is not a customer friendly bank at all. They have to fix their processes to make it more convenient (I say more convenient but what I mean is “convenient” ) for their customers. I have recently had to get a Federal Bank account because my current employers use FedBank for all employee salary purposes and create salaried accounts for all employees with them.
Point 1) These guys are so late. To create an account FedBank takes longer than any other bank I have banked with – HDFC, ICICI & SBT. Even frigging SBT! Federal bank took longer than any of them.
2) They send you the cheque book to your house in 10 days but getting the ATM card took much longer. Almost a month later since the account application was sent.
3) Once you get the ATM card you have to take it to the branch you have the account with and have them activate it and get your pin number from them! And the ATM card will be activated only 24 hours later!
4) All of that done, I now needed to get my online account activated. Ok – I had to fill a form over there and wait for 2 weeks to get it activated!!! They will send you a paper with an acknowledgement form and your user id & password and email you a token number to activate your account!! What the fuck? And so I logged in using my user id and the password, and the once I got in I changed my password to something more personal.
5) And then – – I have to apply to activate online transaction!! Oh please and my online activation did not work and so I now have to mail them my acknowledgement form to their offices and wait for the fucking thing to be activated so I can pay my bills online!
Federal Bank, you guys need to improve your services and make the damn process easier and more convenient for us. Like more 21st century and less 18th century!