You’re embarking on a yearlong round-the-world adventure, and can take only one small object with you to remind you of home. What do you bring along for the trip?
Ok, so I’m finally getting to travel and see the world – something I have dreamed about doing for most of my life – and I still take something that will remind me of home? Really?No I’m just kidding.
I guess if not a photo or a small photo album, then I would take one of the little paperweight or showcase items that we’ve had since I can remember – some bought even before I was born. Since I’ve seen them on shelves in the 3 homes we’ve had – the tiny flat in Kuwait, our house in Thrikkakara and now the small apartment we call home. These little trinkets have adorned our shelves in various setups and arrangements but have been around all my life and so they have come to mean a lot to me and have value that is more than money can buy.
So I guess the paperweight or the crystal horse or the ceramic house or any one of those things will do. They will all equally remind me of home, my family and everything about my life – past, present and future.
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