First Day

Tell us about your first day at something — your first day of school, first day of work, first day living on your own, first day blogging, first day as a parent, whatever.

Well yesterday was my first day at a new job so let’s blog about that a bit. I was going to do this yesterday but when I sat down to type this up, I got a phone call and once I was done it was dinner time and then I plum forgot about it. So I got called about a vacancy for a job in a good & large corporate company on the 12th of December. After two calls from their HR in Bombay, I had a telephonic round with someone who will be my boss’s boss on the 16th and a face to face with him and the person who will be my direct supervisor on the 18th. On the 19th evening I was called from the HR to ask me to send my details via a form that they emailed me plus pdf copies of my documents, which I email to them by the 21st.

On the 30th I was called 3 times from HR & Recruitment and confirmed that they would be sending me an offer letter, after which I went to get a medical certificate, photostats, passport sized photos etc done and yesterday, post a quick lunch, I went to their HR & Recruitment office in Cochin to get my joining formalities completed. It took about 4 hours to get them done as there was a long list to fill out on their software, hand over the documents (I had misplaced four copies and so had to run down and get them done again as did the only other guy joining yesterday) and complete my bank formalities. So by 5pm everything was done and today evening (yes I will be doing evening & night shifts) I go to the main offices in Cochin and get a download on the process and things.

I am excited and apprehensive at the same time but mostly everything is positive and I am looking forward to it. I hope I do well and stay here for a long time.

Prompt from the Daily Post at