ROSHAN’S ELEVEN : 11 Things I Expect In A Good Friend

Here is my criteria or just the top 11 for what I believe is needed to be a good friend.

  • Do not preach or offer unwanted advice but be supportive and offer suggestions. And support them no matter what decision they take.
  • When your friend is down & upset, be there in person with beer or in spirit with cheer
  • Humour
  • Loyalty
  • Have their back
  • Laugh at their jokes
  • Tease them horribly
  • Never let lent or borrowed money come in the way of your friendship
  • Get to know their family
  • Offer a ear that listens & a shoulder to cry on
  • Once in a while join in one of their activities which you have no interest in but hey – he/she is your friend

That’s all I got so far!

If I Could Pick A Skill To Master

If you could choose to be a master (or mistress) of any skill in the world, which skill would you pick?

Despite there being several things that I would like to be good at, I will always come back to wishing that I could play a musical instrument especially guitar. Drums, keyboards/piano and violins would be nice and all that but for me guitar has always ruled the musical empire. Ever since I was a 10 year old boy and listening to my first rock bands I have been fascinated with electric guitars and the mighty riffs and soaring solos that my favourite guitarists play.

Even acoustic guitar is so cool. Sometimes, in the hands of the right player, it can even seem to be cooler. Like those awesome Flamenco guitarists who make everything, even an untuned guitar, sound cool and chic and suave. It’s the way it is played and the way it sounds. Acoustic classical guitar playing more modern tunes and even rock song covers sound awesome too. There is no instrument that can beat the guitar.

So yes that’s the skill that I wish could master in an instant and impress everyone with my talents. Electric metal, rock & blues, acoustic stuff and Flamenco mastery. I wish I hadn’t stopped taking classes at the age of 11.

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