Time For A New Phone

Now that I am back to a regular paycheck (and getting the best pay I have ever had till now) it’s time to think of making some upgrade to my life. I need to get a new book shelf (coming up next month) and a new phone and finally a new laptop. Hehehe no I am not making that kind of money but yeah I could get the new phone & a new laptop in a couple of months. I think I will go for the phone first and wait until I get my credit card, which I applied for, before I get a laptop.

My Blackberry Bold 3 is a good 2.5 years old which is why I want to upgrade to a new phone. Problem is I don’t want to and can’t really afford to pay too much either. Unfortunately BlackBerry’s India prices are ridiculous (as are for some other phones as well but seriously dudes) and though I want the Passport (pictured on the right) I might go for the Q10 (which is there on the left). I found the best prices from reputed vendors on ebay India and will look out for even better prices both online as well as the shops here. But while ebay and some other online stores have regular discounts and offers the shops here usually don’t have any. And hardly ever for BlackBerry phones.

I will see about an EMI on the credit card and if I can get a low interest one I might get the passport but I don’t feel good about paying so much for a phone (Passport best offer is around Rs. 35,000-37,000 and for the Q10 is Rs. 14,000-15,000). I most probably will go for the Q10 because I do like it and the price is reasonable. We’ll see!

Disagreements & Arguments

Do you have a good friend or close relative with whom you disagree on a major issue (political, personal, cultural)? What’s the issue, and how do you make the relationship work?

I think everyone will have close friends & relatives that they will have disagreements on religious & political topic as well as cultural on occasion. I, like most atheists in India and perhaps in most countries where following a religion is the norm, will always have disagreements with religious people on a lot of things. It’s a given when we have one group who do not question the godly authority no matter what and one side who won’t stand for such nonsense and won’t believe in the existence of these gods, forget about the laws/morals and ideals passed down from people who claimed that they were contact by these “heavenly beings”.

Why should there not be such arguments and disagreements? And does that mean that you can’t be friends? I don’t think so and it can be hard when both sides won’t budge but you gotta work at it. My two closest male friends are religious, though not fundamental, and we always have lively arguments when we get together. However, beyond them telling me to “blindly & must believe” they haven’t given me any points to ponder about. Hence I do not take their banter seriously. They are still my good friends and will continue to be so unless one or the other turns fundamental.

Politics is something else that I abhor and want little to do with people who want to discuss it on & on and are obsessed with one political party or the other. This land of mine is filled with some really dishonest, corrupt & bastard politicians and yet the people never learn. They keep voting for them and get burned time & again. So I avoid the discussions at all cost unlike religious ones, which I must say that I never start but always get dragged into.

Prompt from the Daily Post at WordPress.com.