Remember this prompt, when your home was on fire and you got to save five items? That means you left a lot of stuff behind. What are the things you wish you could have taken, but had to leave behind?
Ok, so I don’t think I’ve ever done a follow up prompt before and certainly not on the same day but that’s ok. It’s a good prompt.
So the things that I would miss and wish I could have taken behind would be
- the furniture and especially my computer desk. There’s no way the built-ins could have been saved but the rest is salvageable.
- My collection of cds & dvds. I have almost everything backed up into several hard drives but I will certainly miss the packaging and art work.
- the television, cable tv and dvd player – notice I did not save those? That’s because I rarely do watch the flat screen tv in the living room and watch most of my shows on dvds or downloads. But the big flat screen is nice to have.
- Bathrooms – this might seem silly to you but once I get used to a toilet at my residence it is difficult and time-consuming to get that same level of comfort in another loo. It’s just not the same to poop in an stranger’s toilet!
- My bed – comfort is relative to familiarity for me!
That’s it I guess.
Prompt from the Daily Post at