
Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to? (Bonus points for adorable animal photos, and double bonus if they’re taken with your phone!)

No I currently do not have animals in my life, as in living with me in my home. One reason is that it is not allowed in this building to keep any cats or dogs (smaller animals in fish tanks and cages are allowed, like say a parrot or a pair of love birds or a hamster) and the other reason is I cannot subject a dog or a cat to live in a small apartment with the three humans who live here as well.

But having had a dog for 11 years and taken care of another one for a year as well, I miss having dogs around. They are cute, loving, affectionate, friendly, cuddly, make you feel better by just being there and loyal. And they are the best friends man or woman can have. So I do hope that my situation changes to one of more positivity; meaning that I can get a bigger place or move into a bigger place in a year or two which will mean that I can keep a dog and a cat or more of each in my residence.

In the meantime I will have to make do with the occasional visits that I do to go and see Barfi, my sister’s Pug. Or sometimes my sister brings him around to my place as well and well…as you can see he is adorable and funny as hell.

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