My Right Foot

So back to work after a 3 day gap. Wednesday was a changed off due to it being a nationwide work strike. And due to the minor injury on my right heel ( luckily it’s not the actual ankle otherwise it will swell up a lot and it would be a lot more painful and it would be much more difficult to walk.

So it’s almost healed but I will keep the crepe bandage on for a couple of more days. Maybe till Monday. I am working today to compensate for Monday and Sunday I am going to meet my best friends Anil and Madhu for lunch. We will keep it simple and not walk much anywhere due to my foot issue. We’ll meet somewhere for coffee and then talk for a while before we get some beer and Chinese food (which is the usual).

But I will take it easy and avoid walking around much. I don’t want to sprain it further and make matters worse.

Food (Beverage) Review # 48

And this is it. Something I have been waiting for since I first learned about Guinness stouts back when I was a teenage in the early 1990s. Never thought I’d ever get a chance to try one unless I left India but there I was in Chennai at the Moon & Sixpence Irish pub and I ordered a Guinness. It was disappointing but I wonder if it was just a bad case or can? Tasted tinny & metallic.