Fun At The Polls

If you were the new leader of your country and had the chance to transform something that’s currently an annoyance (or worse) into a very fun activity, what would it be? How would you go about the change, and why would you choose that particular thing?

Voting! No one I know hates going to the poll more than me. I hate long queques and I hate politics, especially Indian politics and politicians and their stupid parties which these buggers think are rather needy living beings. How to make this a fun activity that is entertaining and exciting for all to gladly go to and look forward to doing.

Make it an actual party! With free food and drinks (not alcoholic ofcourse) or at subsidized rates. Lots of free chocolate eclairs for small kids. That would be fun. Rock bands on stages and magicians, jugglers, artists and sorts of entertainers on the sidewalks and the venues to thrill you. Dances, folk stories reenacted and all sorts of wonderful stuff.

Now who would want to miss that? Go vote you lazy citizen!

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