No Apologies

What’s the one guilty pleasure you have that’s so good, you no longer feel guilty about it?

Cold coffee or iced coffees or frappes – take your pick. I am a coffee fanatic and I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day but they are usually the plain hot variety and 1 or 2 of them will be plain black coffee. I need two cups of coffee in the morning before I can consider myself living and then I will have usually 2 but some days just one in the evening. As the majority and vast majority at that are all plain hot coffee (either black or with just milk) I long for frappes and in a tropical climate such as where I live, the cold ones are a boon.

I get my coffee fix with it’s cooler and refreshing and can have dollops of chocolate syrup or whipped cream or both. Man, I just love those. Even if it is a hot coffee I will opt for a moccachino or an Irish coffee or something like that. Life needs that extra flavour here and there. Live a little. As I only have frappes once a week I demand that I need that indulgence. Otherwise what the fuck are we living for. So that is my guilty pleasure.

Yes a plain hot coffee with or without milk (we don’t usually use cream here) is good and gets the job done. But that is the norm. I need an occasional cold one.

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