Upturned Noses

Even the most laid back and egalitarian among us can be insufferable snobs when it comes to coffee, music, cars, beer, or any other pet obsession where things have to be just so. What are you snobbish about?

Well to tell the truth I am a little snobbish about my coffee. Not the one I drink at home. No, at home I drink plain old simple instant coffee with sugar. Sometimes I add milk. I like it hot and black. But when I go out to cafes I can never think about drinking plain coffee.

No I want somewhat pricier (around Rs.100-150 worth) of lattes, machiatos, cold frappes, whipped cream and/or ice cream laden cold ones. I prefer though. Mocha this, latte that – give them to me. I want them complex and I want them rich. Otherwise why bother having a coffee outside your home.

So I turn my nose up towards your regular stuff. Give me a good one to savour.

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