Whatcha Gonna Do With All That Junk?

Is there “junk” in your life? What kind? How do you get rid of it?

Ofcourse, who doesn’t? Well I have seen or heard of people who live very minimalist lifestyles and have only things in their home that they use on a regular basis and nothing else remains. I wish I could do that but I find that more junk accumulated as we get older. I have, for example, used and depleted batteries in my desk drawer. Not one or two – more than 20! Fuck that – I need to dump them tomorrow.

Old clothes, I dunno what I have more off – clothes that I currently wear or clothes that I do not wear at all as they are now old and do not fit me! What the heck! I need to throw them all out or give it to one of the guys who comes to collect stuff for people who are extremely poor and/homeless. There are atleast 13 shirts I can give away. 13 of them! I don’t have that many shirts that I do wear at the moment!

Strangely that is the extent of my personal junk lying about in the apartment. I used to have a lot more of them shitty stuff but I got rid of a bunch of stuff in 2015. Now it’s mostly the boxes of my Star Trek starship collection – which I do not want to get rid off as if I ever move it will be easier to put the ships back into the boxes as it will keep them relatively safe.

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