Thor: Ragnarok is a 2017 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2011’s Thor and 2013’s Thor: The Dark World, and is the seventeenth film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Taika Waititi from a screenplay by Eric Pearson and the writing team of Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost, and stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor alongside Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Idris Elba, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Mark Ruffalo, and Anthony Hopkins. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor must escape the alien planet Sakaar in time to save Asgard from Hela and the impending Ragnarök.
This movie is just out and has already made $450 million plus and is a behemoth in the box office. It certainly is the best of the three Thor films. Let’s see the various aspects of the movie:
- It is really funny. Thor himself is a more relaxed and chilled version of himself and there’s plenty of jokes at his expense. This is despite the rather sad experience of losing his father, Odin. Hemsworth intearctions with The Hulk & Bruce Banner are hilarious as is his banter with Tom Hiddleston / Loki is also great.
- Good new characters introduced in Korg – who sounds so New Zealandish -, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, Karl Urban as Skurge & Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie are all well done and well cast. Valkyrie will be a recurring character in more films with Thor and MCU movies in general and she is pretty good as a hard drinking recluse who left Asgard in shame after Hela killed all her fellow legendary warriors of the Valkyrior. The Grandmaster is basically Jeff Goldblum playing the Grandmaster playing Jeff Goldblum! If you can imagine that.
- Karl Urban’s character Skurge is a predictable one – he is a lower rung Asgardian trying to come up in the world. He guards the Bifröst Bridge in Heimdall’s absence and aligns himself with Hela to survive. He becomes her executioner but his heart isn’t in killing his own people and in the end he sacrifices himself to save people.
- The Hulk/Bruce Banner/Mark ruffalo is awesome in this – for two years he has been The Hulk and Banner has been in the backburner. The way that the Hulk talks is like a toddler and it is even seen in his behaviour. This is probably the best the Hulk has been done in.
- Kate Blanchett – I might be biased but she plays an awesome villain who is just pretty damn awesome to watch. She is bored when challenged but kicks so much ass that she backs up that strut and boast of being the goddess of death. The reveal that she was the first born child of Odin and was once his executioner and general in his army was surprising. Also – how old do these Asgardians live? It kinda seems like Hela was imprisoned for very long and both Thor and Loki are unaware of her.
- Waititi also provided the motion-capture performance for the fire demon Surtur, based on the mythological being Surtr, with Clancy Brown providing the voice for that character. Thor co-creator Stan Lee makes a cameo appearance as a man on Sakaar who cuts Thor’s hair. There are also several cameos in a sequence where Asgardian actors perform a play based on the events of The Dark World: Sam Neill, who Waititi previously worked with on Hunt for the Wilderpeople, plays the Odin actor; Luke Hemsworth, brother of Chris, plays the Thor actor; and Matt Damon plays the Loki actor.
- Oh yeah and nice to Doctor Strange in a cameo appearance in it as well. That scene was really good.
- The action is awesome, the fight scenes and battle scenes are great and entertaining, the special effects is awesome and the acting is really good. What more could you want? 9 outta 10!