What Sounds Annoy You?
I guess a bunch of noises annoy me and other people. We all have the ones that really gets on our nerves and make our teeth grind and fists clench and wants to temporarily go deaf. Loud horns, rap & hip-hop music, most Indian classical music, Tamil rap and film music and a lot of other stuff. But nothing annoys me more than the religious prayers on loudspeakers!
In this regard all religious are to blame. Loud speakers are a bane of humanity’s existence and everyone hates being disturbed. It is beyond annoying to be roused out of your nap, movie watching or music listening or reading time or heck just sitting down for some coffee or a meal by the loud sounds of an asshole bellowing into a loud speaker selling stuff, announcing as an advertisement, selling lotteries or making the case as to why you should vote for this or that political party.
But nothing and I mean nothing annoys me more than the bellowing of a call to prayer. Whether it is Hindism or Christianity or Buddhism (come to think of it, Buddhists don’t bother you, so it’s ok) or Sikhs or anything it is fucking annoying. But the worst is the Islamic call to prayer, especially when some of those voices sound like loud donkeys braying. Fucking annoying! They are the worst and disturb you 5 times a day.
I wish one of the religious commandments for each of them was “thou shall not bray into a loudspeaker”!
Prompt from The Learning Network at The New York Times