Plans For The Weekend?

Working for the weekend! It amazes me that I just had a 4 day weekend that ended on the 1st of May and coming back to work on the 2nd but I cannot wait for this day to end and I can start my weekend. Last week, despite the long weekend we had 4 days of work and then only Sunday to relax and since I slept through most of morning and was in bed till about 5pm watching tv.

This weekend I want to go out. Spending too many days at home. I think I will check and see if I want to go out on Saturday, depending on what time I wake up and my mood and if not then I will go out on Sunday, get a pizza and maybe a beer or go to the mall and buy a few things for home. Nothing fancy or anything – though I do want to buy some pants. I might do that. I want some shirts too but it can wait till the end of the month or next month.

Whatever else I do, for sure I will watch a movie or too at home. And finish the football season with Arsenal’s final game of the season against Huddersfield away.