The Chicken Burger at Galitos with french fries and a Peach Lemon Ice Tea (not Lemonade as I said in the video). Really good burger and the french fries were nice and fresh.
Day: May 17, 2018
Pigeon Daddy On The Lookout
And now the dad pigeon seems to be hanging out on the upper ledge of my balcony! He has been sitting there all day (it’s almost 3pm now) and seems to be trying to protect his mate who is sitting on the plant pot with the eggs. And he is staring me down!
It’s like he is saying to me “Dude, that’s my honey over there and we have these two babies that she is trying to hatch. Do not, I repeat, go near her and disturb her again!” Because that’s just what I did – as I was making some coffee, I went to the balcony to check on mamma pigeon and the eggs and the pigeon flew away as I approached. I checked in on the eggs, still intact, and then came in.
And then I noticed the daddy pigeon. And he has been eyeballing me with a dirty look on his face. “I see you buddy”! I gotta be careful I guess!