Coffee is that life giving liquid that changes us – well atleast once you turn 30 – from zombies to functional human beings ready to face the day and go to work or whatever in the morning once you have had a cup. In my case it’s also something I drink between 11 am to 12pm as I work late evening shifts that start at 6:30 pm and end at 3:30 am with me reaching home between 4am to 4:30 am. So I find it absolutely necessary to drink my share of coffee.
Here are the three brands of coffee that I usually drink. Out of these Bru is what I prefer to drink and this is the one we buy more often and Nescafe is the one I get when the other two are not available. Sunrise is ok and I pic that from time to time as an alternative but Bru is still the best option available for my and my family’s taste buds.
And yeah, we drink instant coffee since not many of us have coffee machines – I could buy one but the bags of coffee are more expensive, I think. So instant it is. Less of a hassle in making it as well.