My Birthday So Far

My birthday started out like this – at 12 midnight I was asked to come down to the cafeteria as the members of my team had arranged for a cake. Usually we do it with just the extended members of our department, which goes to 25 folks, but here it was just the 6 members of my team, a few from service delivery, quality and a couple of our clients. We had the cake cutting and then cake pasting after which I had to spend a good 10 minutes washing it off my face with water and plenty of tissue paper.


I went back to do some work but clearly I was not in the mood as it was already 1:30 am and I lazed about for a bit until I could leave. I came home and as I planned, I drank a couple of vodkas with apple juice to celebrate turning 42. Not that it’s anything to celebrate; growing old that is. I went to bed and woke up by 10:20 am. I had coffee and went through Facebook thanking people for their wishes. Watched some videos. At 12 pm I ordered some fried chicken for my folks and I and we had a quick lunch.

Now I gotta go get ready to go back to work. I don’t want to, I usually don’t work on my birthday or I do a morning shift so I can have the evening to myself but this time I cannot do that. Ah, what the hay!