Child’s Play 2 is a 1990 American slasher film and the sequel to Child’s Play, written by Don Mancini and directed by John Lafia, one of the co-writers in the first film. It is the second film in the Child’s Play franchise and set two years after the first film; the plot follows Charles Lee Ray (better known as Chucky) continuing his pursuit for Andy Barclay, who was placed in foster care, and transferring his soul into him after being resurrected. The film stars Alex Vincent, who returns as Andy Barclay; Gerrit Graham and Jenny Agutter as Andy’s foster parents; Christine Elise as Kyle; and Brad Dourif as the voice of Chucky.
The sequel is set 2 years later, the toy company PlayPals determine that there is nothing wrong with the dolls and start production again. Somehow the Chucky doll, is refitted and brought to the factory. One of the men working on Chucky is killed by electrocution. As a result, the CEO of the company, Mr. Sullivan (Peter Haskell), orders his assistant Mattson (Greg Germann) to cover the accident and get rid of Chucky. With Andy’s mother in a mental institute, the boy us now in foster care and is sent to live with Phil (Gerrit Graham) and Joanne Simpson (Jenny Agutter). In his new home, Andy meets his new foster sister Kyle (Christine Elise).
The electrocution resurrects Chucky and he finds out Andy’s foster home address and kills Mattson in his car. At the house, Chucky finds “Tommy” a Good Guy doll in the Simpson’s house, that had scared Andy, and activates him by accident. He destroys it using a destroys him with Joanne’s ornament. Chucky then buries the doll in the garden and takes his place as “Tommy”. Phil punishes Andy and Kyle, believing one of them broke the ornament. After Andy spends the rest of the day with Kyle, he is attacked by Chucky, who ties him up and gags him with socks in order to possess him, but the ritual is stopped by Kyle. After Andy claimed Chucky tied him up, Phil throws Chucky in the basement. Chucky, left alone, comes back to life and discovers a major nosebleed of his, meaning he’s going human again. Therefore, he realizes that if he doesn’t get in Andy’s body in time, he will remain as a doll.
Chucky follows Andy to school and gets him in trouble there and even kills his teacher. Phil is thinking of sending Andy back to the foster center. Later that night, Andy tries to kill Chucky with an electric knife in the basement, but Chucky attacks him. Phil goes to investigate the commotion but Chucky trips and neck-snaps him, killing him. Joanne, convinced that Andy murdered Phil, sends him back to the foster center. Kyle discovers the buried doll in the garden and realizes Andy was telling the truth all along and rushes in to warn Joanne only to find her dead. Chucky burst from the blankets of the bed behind her and attacks Kyle. Kyle is then forced by Chucky to drive him to the center to find Andy. There, during a false fire alarm, Chucky kills Grace and orders Andy to take him to the PlayPals “Good Guys” factory for the transfer.
At the factory Chucks tries to complete the ritual but it is too late and he seems to be stuck in the dolls body. Kyle arrives and together with Andy they evade Chucky and then pours molten plastic all over him. Andy then saves Kyle by pulling her off of a conveyor belt, and shows her Chucky’s melted body. Kyle thinks that the doll is dead, but Chucky jolts up and struggles with her, until she shoves a helium tube in his mouth, resulting in his head exploding. After Kyle and Andy escape the factory, Kyle tells them they’re going home. Andy asks where that is, to which Kyle says she doesn’t know.
A good sequel to the first movie and one I remember watching all those years ago. It’s a solid cast as well. I give it a 7 outta 10!