Runs In The Family

What Hobbies Have Been Passed Down in Your Family?

Not so much as hobbie or a hobby but in my family we did get our earlier love for wrestling from my dad and a couple of uncles on my mom’s side. From the time I was a toddler we had wrestling in my life. Friends my age, family friends of my dad & mum and my cousins here all watched a lot of wrestling. I loved WCW & WWE for the longest time though it’s been over 10 years since I stopped watching them. But I still have a special place in my heart for the entertainment/sport.

Other than that in my family we loved Westerns, especially Clint Eastwood films and horror movies (though that hasn’t been the case for my parents since the early to mid 90s). Also the love for Arnold & Sly action movies. We watched them all at one time. Ah yes and also James Bond films, which my dad and I have a particular affinity for. Football is another and for a while tennis too. Watching them on tv that is.

It’s a shame I don’t share that much with my folks anymore. They have their interests and I have mine ever since I turned 20!

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