Sometimes a sequel or a reboot can suck. It changes how we feel about something. After all the classics are the best. In the last few years, retro games and toys have been making a comeback. With enough of the original charm, and an added splash of modern technology to make it relevant to a whole new audience. Here are a few of the most popular comeback kids.
My Little Pony
They got longer legs, sleeker bodies and in some cases (see Equestria High) they turned into people. The original My Pretty Pony was a massive hit in the 1980s. After all what little girl didn’t dream of owning a pony?
The more recent models have seen the toys come with much more than that original brush or stable. Now you have shoes, capes, combs, wings and so much more. With the significant unicorn trend and even more cartoon channels, My Little Pony is firmly on the must-have list once again.
The annoying cute, and sometimes creepy Furbie. Was so popular upon original release that they sold out almost everywhere. Children (and adults) spent hours trying to get their Furbie to say cool things, sing and be happy. Getting together with your mates and making your Furbies chat with their Furbies was the stuff of dreams.
They made a big splash once again in 2012. The newer model was smaller, with many more designs and once again tea-parties with Furbies became a big deal.
Racing Cars
There are a few big racing car brands. They used to just go forward and backwards. But now, the flip, bounce, top and bottom half car work independently and so much more. They cost a pretty penny at the time, and not every primary school going kiddo managed to get one. But there were mini ones that totally rocked.
However, as an adult, there is nothing stopping you bagging a sweet four-wheeled remote control racing car. Check out
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half shell – turtle power! The 80s film is a cult classic, as much for its cheesy lines as the real 80s feel of it. The comic was popular too – of course. The new figurines released in recent years had more details than the originals and way more muscle definition.
There was another film released in 2014 that was a smash hit and sparked a new love for TMNT for some and rekindle that fire for others.
LEGO has always been pretty popular, but with social media and blogs dedicated to reviewing kids toys and games,, it’s grown into a behemoth. With kits as small as the Lego City Coast Guard Bike and as big as the Millennium Falcon which boasts an impressive 75192 pieces – LEGO isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
Retro toys can bring us back to the time we had them pegged on our own Christmas lists and the feeling we got from playing with them for weeks and months on end. Are there any toys that you just could get enough of when you were younger?