PRS SC McCarty 594 Semi-Hollow Limited
Day: July 28, 2019
Star Trek Blows A Guy’s Mind!
This happened a few days ago. I have a Star Trek starships collection by Eaglemoss that is about 52 in total displayed in one of my bookshelves in my bedroom in my apartment. We’ve had some issues with termites and hence we have had to take apart the three built in cupboards in one bedroom and the 2 in mine as well as all the kitchen cabinets. The last section to go was my built in cupboards that serve as my wardrobe and storage for some junk. While the guys who were getting the job done were in my room one of them noticed my starships and touched one of them and then looked at the Deeps Space 9 model. He had a smile on his face and looked at me. I thought he must think these are toys.
He asked me what they were and I took about 30 minutes to tell him that they were models of starships from the Star Trek franchise. He had never heard of Star Trek before, barely spoke any English. I told him it’s this vision of the future and explained what the show is about and how things work and how technological advancements are shown in this series and aliens and etc etc.
I could literally see his mind being blown. He had the biggest look of wonderment in his face. Did I say mind blown? No, I think I “Blasted” his mind with this information and I could see that he was left in awe as he left my apartment.
Thanks Star Trek & Eaglemoss!