The world is a crazy place, and when you get used to a certain way of life only to see a totally different one, it can be mind opening. Not every country around the world is equal, and often they have vastly different rules and values. This is why sometimes you cannot take food on a plane or transport American plastic products to the rest of the world. Every country has their own laws, values, and regulations to follow.
That’s why today we wanted to take a look at some strange laws, and in particular, driving. Whether you work for a company like CTI Logistics Interstate or you are a single road user, there are certain things you should know before you take the wheel abroad.
To make things easier, we are going to take a look at the laws by continents, and as far as weird laws go; Asia has to have some of the strangest of all.
Japan – In Japan, respect and courtesy are both things heavily valued, and as a result there is a specific law that is crucial to obey. In Japan you must not splash water or mud on a pedestrian, it is impolite and also is illegal.
China – In China, children must salute passing cars. Also, it is illegal for drivers in China to stop for pedestrians on the road, so good luck walking anywhere!
Thailand – It is illegal in Thailand to travel topless. You may think this is an obvious rule to follow, however the hot climate often tempts motorists and tuk tuk drivers to take off their top.
Philippines – In Manila, you are not allowed to drive on a Monday if your number plate ends in either 1 or 2. Why? Who knows.
Europe is a vast continent and you may know already that the UK is already different to everyone else as they drive on the left side of the road. However, there are some weird rules in Europe that will really make you wonder.
Russia – In Moscow, it is a fineable offense to have a dirty car. The reason for this is that the city itself is incredibly clean and they don’t want anyone to tarnish the view.
France – This French law is a great idea for safety, but also one that is a little odd. It is illegal to not have a breathalyser in your car if you are driving in France. This aims to cut down on drink driving as if you are pulled over you will be automatically breathalysed.
Denmark – If you live in a suburban spot you may be used to checking for cats or other animals sitting under your car before you set off, however in Denmark you must check for children. It is a law that before driving, you must check underneath your car in case any children are hiding under there. It’s a worrying thought how they came to the conclusion that this law was needed.
Cyprus – We all know it is illegal to drink and drive, but in Cyprus, this law is taken very literally and you must not drink even water or juice when driving.
Switzerland – Tough luck if you want to clean your car on a Sunday because in Switzerland it is illegal.
Germany – Germany is the manufacturing capital of the world so it is no surprise that Germans came up with this rule. In Germany, you must follow strict set of laws including keeping your fuel tank full, as well as not breaking down. It is illegal to breakdown on the autobahn or stop for any reason.
North America
The United States is a vast country, and you likely already know that the law can differ starkly from state to state. It is no surprise then that the bulk of this list will be made up of weird laws in different parts of the USA.
California – There are a lot of laws in California which are bizarre, and here are just a couple of them:
- It is illegal to jump from a car going 65 mph
- It is illegal to dry your car with used underwear
- It is illegal for women to drive while wearing a dressing gown
- It is illegal to shoot an animal from your car, unless it is a whale
After looking at some of these weird laws, it makes you wonder how they came to be created in the first place.
Alaska – In Alaska it is an offense to tie a dog to the roof of your car, and to be honest we are glad of this rule.
Florida – If you were hoping to get free parking for your pet elephant you are out of luck in Florida. If you tie an elephant to a parking meter in Florida, you must pay for parking.
Massachusetts – Say goodbye to primate road trips because it is illegal to have a Gorilla in the backseat of your car.
Nevada – It is against the law in Nevada to ride a Camel on the highway…. To be fair this makes sense.
Minnesota – No matter how cold your head might be, crossing the state lines with a duck on your head is illegal.
Kentucky – it is illegal in Kentucky to allow your pet to molest a vehicle.
Montana – If you are driving a sheep in your truck, you must not leave it unattended.
Alabama – Alabama has some strange laws, but these two are the weirdest. You are allowed to drive the wrong way down a one-way street as long as there is a lantern attached to the car. And you are not allowed to drive blindfolded.
Georgia – In Georgia it is an offense to spit out of a moving car, however if you are driving a truck it is acceptable.
Maine – No matter how much you love donuts, you are not permitted to park in front of a Dunkin’ Donuts.
Colorado – In Denver specifically, you are not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday.
There are many weird laws out there but these are definitely the strangest driving laws we’ve ever seen!