Happy 13th Blogaversary

Happy 13th birthday to my blog Awake & Dreaming & a happy 13th Blogaversary to me! I can’t believe that it’s been 12 years already.

It was on the 1st of January that I setup this blog in a day with the help of my cousin (over the phone), who guided me through the process and by night I had the thing setup. Then I installed WordPress and started blogging. I then spent many days trying out various themes; I think this one here is the 30th or so theme that I have tried out.

This isn’t my first blog though; I first started blogging in 2002, through blogger.com, when I lived in Calicut and continued with it when I moved back to Cochin. I was an inconsistent blogger, nothing having an internet connection at home & from 2003 till 2006, not having a computer at home. By 2005 I started getting more & more into blogging and I created a new one in blogger.com and called it Count Roshculla : Awake & Dreaming. I started spending more time in internet cafes and hence could blog a lot more consistently. But I always wanted my very own website & domain and I wanted to install WordPress. That was achieved on January 1st, 2007.

After 13 years I have made quite a bit of money with this blog. Especially since November of last year. I’ve since been able to get myself off to a little holiday in a nice hotel, bought a heck ton of dvds and boxsets that I have craved for so long and even been able to take a date to nice meals. I am so proud of what I have done, especially in the last year or so. This blog is a big part of me and I want to continue through for several more years to come.

ROSHAN’S ELEVEN: First 11 Songs Listened To In 2020

Every year on January 1st, I post about the first 11 songs that I listen to on my Mp3 player on my system. I pick them at random or like today when I specifically selected a couple of songs because I was thinking about them. This year, like last, I listened to them on  Youtube instead of from my mp3 collection.

  • The Loner – Gary Moore
  • Bitch – Meredith Brooks
  • Over the Hills and Far Away – Led Zeppelin
  • You Oughta Know – Alanis Morissette
  • Peace, Love & Loud Guitars – Anthony Gomes
  • Rainbow In The Dark – Dio
  • Winter – Tori Amos
  • OB-LA-DI, OB-LA-DA – The Beatles
  • Under Pressure – Queen
  • Once Upon A Time In The West – Dire Straits
  • All Along The Watch Tower – The Classic Rock Band