Boredom In Isolation? Not Anymore Inbox

There is nothing nice about being told to stay indoors – even if you prefer it usually! When it’s on your terms, it’s a very different situation to being told what to do by someone else. All of a sudden, the outside world looks incredibly appealing – and you can’t go and enjoy it. Isolation feels like something that will last forever for most of us, and it leaves us all racking our brains and trying to come up with activities that we can do while we are stuck inside. Of course, you may be lucky enough to be able to work from home, and that should take up some of your time. However, you need something to fill the gaps around work.

No one ever expected that isolation would last – or even begin – when the news of COVID-19 came about. And yet, here we all are. Gently across the world, we are slowly isolating and gradually shutting things down so that we can all remain safe. The virus doesn’t spread, but we do, and the more that we move, the harder it becomes to contain. The key is to stay as busy as possible to pass the time, and that means figuring out some activities that you can do while you are on the countdown to freedom. If you have children at home, it becomes somewhat more challenging to decide on what to do with your time. Without children? Well, we have some suggestions to keep you busy while the world becomes a safe place once more.

  • Get Your Game On

You’ve had the consoles and the games for a while, but the time that you spend at work and enjoying a social life have previously put the kibosh on your gaming time. And yet here you are, isolated and nowhere to go. Dust off the blue light glasses and load up SIMS 3 – you’re going to get your game on, and you need to be comfortable. Luckily for you, you bought a gaming chair and the right screens to make sure that your time spent gaming is better than ever. You’ve got to work from home, but you also have far more time for gaming than you had before. You can improve your dexterity, expand your brain, and really improve your problem-solving skills when you get your game on, and you can choose from so many different gaming types, too.

  • Embrace Video Chat

Just because you cannot go anywhere, it doesn’t mean that you can’t see friends. Netflix has introduced a Party Mode whereby you and your friends can all watch the same movie at the same time, but that’s nothing compared to video chat. We are very blessed to be living in a time where we can connect with technology and see and talk to each other as if we are in the same room. Video chat can be done via any mode: House Party, WhatsApp, Skype, and Facebook are just some of the popular options. When you’re working or socializing, you often don’t have time to call friends and family only to check-in and see how they’re doing. Isolation may suck, but it does mean that you have time to connect with the people you haven’t caught up with in a while. Keep them informed of what you’re up to and ask them what they’re doing, too. You will be surprised by how much you can connect to people you can’t touch or see.

  • Crafts & Coloring

When was the last time that you sat down and put your creative mind into action? If it’s been a while, then you know precisely the benefit of crafting and coloring. Whether you teach yourself to sew or knit based on the tuition of YouTube videos, you could use the time that you spend in isolation to hone a craft you know or start a new one. Crafting a coloring can help your brain to develop in a way that you wouldn’t have before the isolation period. You have time on your hands to work through your imagination, so why not do something that will feed your soul?

  • Get Fit

You are isolated and unable to go to the gym, and it’s time to embrace the world of online workouts. You can’t go for a long-distance run (though you can go for a walk a day), but you can start a new workout regime and get yourself a personal trainer. There are so many alternatives out there, and you can get the workout that you need. Exercise does so much more for you than get you lean. It also allows you to heal and helps your heart, your lungs, and your body to move correctly. It’s also a fantastic way to build your confidence up and feel good on the inside. Exercise helps you mentally as well as physically, and when you’re stuck in isolation and gaming all day, you need something active to get you on the move.

  • Read

It’s so simple, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling of falling into a new world when you cannot get out into your own one. Reading isn’t a natural thing for some people: they can read, but they don’t immerse themselves in a new book. Gaming gives you a chance of escapism that you don’t find when you read, but reading is a whole new adventure. When you read, you need a comfortable space and good lighting. If the weather is good, get outside and start reading in the sunlight. You’ll soak up some much-needed vitamin D while you explore a whole new world. Sinking into the imagination of someone else can give you a chance to escape in a way that takes the boredom away from isolation and whiles away the hours.

  • Learn To Bake

You’ve got time, the ingredients in the store cupboard, and the internet. The answer to a burning question of what to do with these items is clearly to start baking! You can follow recipes online – either static or via a video – and you can learn how to cook some phenomenal food! You don’t have to have kids with you to learn to bake simple recipes of biscuits and cupcakes. Instead, you could think about teaching yourself all of those cake recipes you’ve been dying to master. You could go from novice cupcake baker to making a three-tier birthday cake for your Mom when you come out of isolation. There’s something to be said for learning a skill like baking, and when you have the time to do it – like right now – you should take full advantage of it!

  • Binge Watch Your Set List

How many shows have you got lined up on your Watch List on Netflix? All of those recommendations from friends and family that you saved “for later” are stood ready to go. The news on the virus and its spread is harsh enough to watch, so why not start watching those shows that were recommended to you? You can take the freshly baked goods that you made earlier and get comfortable. Gaming is a great way to exercise your skills, but sometimes you need just to veg out and watch a new TV show without interruption. Once you come out of isolation, you will have caught up to all of your friends – at last!

  • Start A Blog

Do you have a knack for writing and a head full of thoughts? Perhaps now is the time to empty your head and get your ideas on paper – well, an online document. A blog can give you a place to discover whether you know a niche area, and when you find out that you have a talent, you can get your content out into the world. Perhaps you know more than the average person about gaming, and you could talk to them about how to enhance their gaming experience with blue light glasses. Maybe you are a font of knowledge for all things Disney. No matter what you figure out, you can put it all into a blog and show the world your talents! A blog can eventually be monetized, so you could earn some cash off the back of your new discovery for getting your knowledge into the world. Don’t be afraid to do it, either. It’s an excellent way to remain connected.

  • Bring The Concert Home

You can’t get out to a real show with real artists, but those artists that you love are still there. Get online and create a playlist, order a disco light from Amazon and get involved with a concert in your own home. You could even head to Instagram videos and see whether your favorite artists are doing live singing and shows for those in isolation at home. It’s exciting, and it’s a great way to discover whether you like new music.

Isolation doesn’t have to be a time of boredom, especially not when we have our suggestions above. Get involved and make your isolation a time of productivity and fun – you can pass the time happily!

Covid-19 : Kerala Update 30-03-2020

Kerala on Monday reported 32 fresh coronavirus cases, with Kasargod district alone accounting for 17 cases, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said. Kannur reported 15 cases, while Wayanad and Idukki reported two cases each, he told reporters here after a COVID-19 review meeting. Of the 32 cases, 17 had come from abroad and 15 infected through contact. The total number of people presently under treatment in the state is 213. At least 1.50 lakh people are under surveillance in the state and 623 people are in isolation wards of various hospitals.

The CM Pinarayi Vijayan said the issue of migrant labourers staging protests at Payipadu on Sunday was being looked into. Over 2,500 people without proper houses had been accommodated at special camps and were being fed, he said. Vijayan urged TV channels to provide free services to help keep people at home. The bankers, he said, had promised to provide banking services and keep ATMs stocked and functioning.

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) had promised to supply dialysis systems and ventilators in the Kasargode districts, while Unicef had given Rs 35 lakh to each of the 14 district collectors, he said.During the day, Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha member Shashi Tharoor allocated Rs 1.57 lakh from MPLAD for Covid-19 related activities, including purchase of 3,000 rapid test kits.

Gemini Man

Gemini Man is a 2019 American action thriller film[3] directed by Ang Lee. Written by David Benioff, Billy Ray and Darren Lemke. Starring Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong, the film follows a hitman who is targeted by a younger clone of himself while on the run from the government.

Henry Brogan, an aging former Marine Scout Sniper who now works as an assassin for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), is sent on a mission to assassinate an anonymous terrorist aboard a bullet train. During the mission, Henry’s spotter warns him of a young girl approaching the target, causing Henry to delay his shot until the last second, shooting the man in the neck despite aiming for his head. Disillusioned with killing, Henry retires from government service. While adjusting to retirement, Henry meets boat rental manager Danny and reconnects with an old friend, Jack, who reveals that an informant named Yuri told him that the man Henry killed was innocent; demanding proof, Henry has Jack arrange a meeting with Yuri. In retaliation for Henry knowing their deception, agency director Lassiter plans to kill him; Clay Varris, head of a top-secret black ops unit codenamed “GEMINI,” requests permission to eliminate him but is denied.

Realizing Danny is a fellow agent sent to monitor him, Henry befriends her. After his home is broken into by government agents, Henry calls his spotter, who is killed along with Jack and his mistress. Henry warns Danny about the attack, and they manage to kill the assassins sent after them, learning the agency wants them both dead. Henry and Danny escape to Colombia with Baron, a former colleague of Henry. The latter and Danny hide at Baron’s home and plan to meet with Yuri for further options. Meanwhile, Clay dispatches his top assassin to kill Henry. Fighting him off, Henry realizes the assassin bears an uncanny resemblance to himself as a young man, with a similar skill set. When the injured assassin arrives at a safe house, he is revealed to be Clay’s adopted “son” Junior. Although he is curious about his similarities to Henry, Junior is ordered to finish the job.

Henry is also troubled by his similarities to the assassin, whom Danny suggests might be his child despite Henry’s denials. Testing DNA samples recovered from Junior, Danny discovers that his and Henry’s DNA are identical – Junior is Henry’s younger clone. Desperate for answers, Henry meets Yuri in Hungary and learns of the cloning project and that the man he killed was one of the project’s scientists. Having designed a method to produce clones devoid of pain or emotion, the scientist tried to leave the project and was killed upon being discovered. To try to get Junior to turn away from Clay’s intentions, Henry calls Lassiter, who agrees to send Junior to bring Danny safely back to the United States. Collecting Danny, Junior sets up a trap for Henry, but she warns him via a covert listening device hidden in her tooth. Ambushing the younger assassin, Henry explains to Junior that he is a clone, convincing him by revealing their similar traits that no one else could know. Escaping back to GEMINI, a heartbroken Junior confronts Clay, who claims that he must defeat Henry in order to surpass him.

Finding Henry after sneaking out of GEMINI, Junior allies with him to bring down Clay, while Henry urges Junior to quit in order to become someone better. Baron is killed in an ambush ordered by Clay, with Junior knocking Clay unconscious after a brief hand-to-hand fight. After defeating a wave of GEMINI operatives, Henry, Danny, and Junior face another operative with special body armor who feels no pain or emotions. After shooting him repeatedly and along with several secondary explosions, they manage to kill it. They remove his helmet, and he is discovered to be another younger clone of Henry, with all emotion and ability to feel pain removed. A defeated Clay tries to justify his actions towards Junior : creating clones with Henry’s skills would at the same time enable to spare life of young future soldiers and make operations incredibly successful. Disgusted, Junior plans to shoots Clay, but Henry persuades Junior otherwise and kills Clay himself, having already lived with the heavy burden.

Assured that there are no more clones that were produced and that they are finally free from harm’s way, Henry later meets with Junior, who has enrolled in college under the assumed identity of “Jackson Brogan” after Henry’s mother’s surname. Together, Henry and Danny plan Jackson’s future.

Good action flick even though it kinda seems very familiar. Some of the CGI is jarring and you can easily tell when the de-aging is done on the character played by Will Smith. 7 outta 10!

Over A Week In Isolation

Well, today will be 9 days since I stepped outside. Officially the lockdown started 6 days ago but yeah. I’ve started to feel the lack of seeing other people’s faces other than just my dad and mom. I go down to the lobby and see the food delivery guys who bring our food order and I talk to them, even it if with face masks on. I wish them well and tell them to stay safe and make sure to thank them for still doing the work that they are doing.

Saturday and today I have done nothing. I have relaxed and slept a lot and watched a couple of movies. Yesterday I drank a beer with some Southern fried chicken that I ordered via Swiggy. I’ve been drinking a large glass of Coke daily as are my parents who also drink lemonade since it is so hot. Today the evening has been much better and dare I say it, there is a light breeze coming in from the open windows.

I shower everyday, infact I try to stay in a lot more than usual since it is hot and by the evening (which is when I usually shower) I am covered in sweat. I have stopped shaving though and growing out my nearly all salt & very little pepper beard. Let’s see how this goes.

Covid-19 : India Update

The number of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, cases crossed 900 in India with the death toll rising to 19, according to the Union Health Ministry. According to the data, the number of active COVID-19 cases in the country stood at 775, while 78 people were either cured or discharged and one had migrated. The number of coronavirus cases increased to 61 in Uttar Pradesh today after 11 people tested positive for the disease, a senior health official said. The total number of COVID-19 patients in the state is at 181 after 28 new patients found positive today. Till now, a total of 26 patients have recovered or discharged. 104 tests found negative for COVID-19.

India’s trajectory is flatter than that of the US, which is the new global epicentre of Covid-19, with confirmed cases surpassing China. Yet, given the volatility in India’s daily data over the past few days, it is too early to say whether the current trajectory will sustain, rise, or flatten in the coming days. Even going by the current trajectory, India’s case count has doubled over the past four days. If this trajectory continues, the number of cases could shoot up to 10,000 cases over the next 16 days, and India could run out of hospital beds in May.

At 162, Kerala leads in terms of the number of active cases of Covid-19. Active cases exclude deaths and recoveries from the list of confirmed cases. Maharashtra has the second most number of active cases (150), followed by Karnataka (50). At 47 active cases, Telangana has the fourth-highest number of active cases, followed closely by Rajasthan (45). In the north-east, two states have reported Covid-19 cases so far: Manipur and Mizoram, with 1 confirmed case each in both states. Other north-eastern states have not reported any case so far. Jharkhand hasn’t reported any confirmed case either. Kasargod district (45 cases) has reported the most number of cases in Kerala.

Blinded By The Light

Blinded by the Light is a 2019 British comedy-drama film directed by Gurinder Chadha. It was inspired by the life of journalist Sarfraz Manzoor and his love of the works of Bruce Springsteen. Manzoor co-wrote the script, with Chadha and Paul Mayeda Berges. It is based on Manzoor’s memoir Greetings from Bury Park: Race, Religion and Rock N’ Roll. Set in the town of Luton in 1987 Thatcherite Britain, the film tells the coming-of-age story of Javed, a British-Pakistani Muslim teenager whose life is changed after he discovers the music of Springsteen. Viveik Kalra stars in the lead role, along with Hayley Atwell, Rob Brydon, Kulvinder Ghir and Nell Williams in supporting roles.

In 1987, Javed Khan and his family – Pakistani immigrant parents Malik and Noor, and sisters Yasmeen and Shazia – live in Luton, England. Javed likes contemporary rock music, which Malik disapproves of. Javed writes poetry and lyrics for his best friend Matt’s band, but Matt critiques Javed’s work for being depressing. Javed feels out of place at his new school, where he is one of two South Asian students; the other, Roops, is a fan of “The Boss”. In Ms. Clay’s writing class, Javed develops a crush on a student activist named Eliza and becomes interested in the writing assignments. Javed talks to Ms. Clay after class about his poetry and diaries. During lunch Roops approaches him and gives him two Bruce Springsteen cassette tapes, calling Springsteen “the direct line to all that is true in this shitty world.” Javed faces constant racism from his peers and neighbours, and Malik forbids him to socialise, insisting he “follow the Jews” in his school because of their success as a people.

Javed is rejected as a writer by the school paper. At the same time, Vauxhall Motors lays off Malik. Frustrated by racism and Malik’s inability to understand him, Javed discards his poems on the night of the Great Storm of 1987. After listening to the Springsteen tapes, the lyrics immediately speak to him, and he recovers his poems. At school, Javed excitedly tells Roops that Springsteen knows exactly how he feels. Inspired to continue writing, he submits his poetry to Ms. Clay. A neighbour, Mr. Evans, recovers one of Javed’s poems that decries the National Front, who are planning a local march. As a World War II veteran, Mr. Evans sympathizes with Javed’s feelings and calls the poem brilliant, but Javed’s parents are less appreciative. Javed submits a piece about Springsteen to the newspaper. Meanwhile, Malik becomes aggravated over mounting bills and Yasmeen’s upcoming wedding. Javed takes a job with Matt’s father, also a Springsteen fan, at his flea market. Matt’s father helps Javed impress Eliza by singing Springsteen songs.

Javed asks out Eliza, steeling his nerves with Springsteen songs. The two kiss, and Javed gives Eliza a poem, which she loves. Ms. Clay enjoys his poems and arranges an unpaid internship at the Herald. Javed and Roops lock themselves in the school radio station and play Springsteen, briefly getting in trouble. Amid more racist intimidation, Eliza invites Javed to meet her parents; Javed tries to hide his discomfort. At the Herald, Javed gets paid after an article he wrote about racism is chosen for the front page. Javed uses the money to buy tickets for a Springsteen concert on Yasmeen’s wedding day. Before his parents arrive at the wedding, National Front members assault Malik. Upset that Javed withheld money from the family, Malik rips up the tickets. Javed stuns his parents by telling them he does not want to be their son.

At school, Eliza chastises Javed for abandoning his family and using them as an excuse to stop seeing her. In class, Ms. Clay tells Javed his Springsteen essay won him attendance to a lecture at Monmouth College in New Jersey, near where Springsteen grew up. Javed initially declines, knowing his father will disallow him, but changes his mind. Malik tells Javed that if he leaves, he will not be allowed to return. Javed and Roops take the trip to the States. It inspires Javed to write something new. Back home, Noor tells Malik to reconcile with Javed and reminds him that he left his own family and country at a young age. Eliza recruits Javed’s family to show up in support when he reads his winning essay. Instead of reading his essay, Javed talks about how “Blinded By The Light” mirrors his father’s troubles. Everyone is moved. He reconciles with Eliza and thanks her for inviting his family. Malik reconciles with Javed and tells him that he has listened to Springsteen and admires the themes of working hard and respecting one’s family. As Javed leaves for university, he and Malik listen to Springsteen together.

A feel good coming of age movie that has some awesome music courtesy of The Boss, this was really fun to watch. I enjoyed it a lot. 8.5 outta 10!

Lockdown in Kerala – Day 3

So after my last update on the 23rd, the state declared a total shutdown for the next 21 days. Today is just day 3 of the shutdown and I am already going bonkers. My office system was delivered to be during the early hours of Tuesday and it was during the evening of that same day that I managed to setup after much difficulty (it’s a little complicated) and I was soaked in sweat by the end of it. It also just happens to be the most hot & humid of days, which it might only get worse in April & May.

2.5 hours of that setup I was ready for dinner and at 10 we had a call with the team. We exchanged our statuses and updates. We will be working from home for atleast 21 days but this could be a longer situation. I then spent 2.5 hours on the phone with a member of our company’s tech support as I couldn’t get connected to the VPN. By 3 am I was finally able to log in and confirm it to the tech manager who helped me out. I then went to bed and watched some tv show episodes before falling asleep.

Yesterday I woke up at 11:30 am and had coffee and then just before lunch I ordered some food for our dinner. The food delivery options like Swiggy & Zomato are allowed to work from 7 am till 5 pm. So we might be ordering some food quite regularly. I watched some tv after lunch and then showered and at 5 got coffee and an evening snack. By 6:20 pm I was logging in to the system and reading my office emails. I started working on a report that kept me busy till dinner time. At 10 we had a long call with the team.

More work on a new agenda to counteract the current situation followed. By 3am I was ready to sleep but I was called for something else and stayed up till 3:45 am and then watched tv for another 90 minutes before falling asleep. Today more of the same I guess.

Giving A Home Buyer Absolute Confidence In Your Property

Selling a home has never been easier, regarding channels and options. You can go the private route, skipping over any real estate agent, choose to sell only to a foreign buyer only, sell to a real estate company, sell to the local government or go the traditional way of hiring a real estate agent. The avenues are very varied and each has its perks. However, convincing buyers your property is the best on the market is a totally different story. Now, you have to go above and beyond. If you don’t supply potential buyers with all the information they want, you will shake their confidence and lose them to another seller.

A case for potentiality

A surveyor doesn’t necessarily give you a price, they will give you a clear report on your property boundaries, measurements and potential options for future construction and the legal requirements you would need. Using this information, you can estimate the potential upscaling that your property is able to achieve if a buyer would like to extend, build a conservatory or increase a driveway, etc. Explain and show the potential of your property to a buyer, using the report the surveyor made. Talk to window experts to get some ideas and figures.

Go behind their back

Although real estate agents will price your property for you, it’s always a good idea to go behind their back and hire an appraiser. They will be working with you directly instead of with the real estate agent. This is important because a real estate agent might lower the price their appraiser gave them because they are trying to compete with other real estate companies operating in the same neighborhood. Your appraiser could give you a valuation that is a lot higher than what you were originally given. This could put your home in a higher quality bracket, which is crucial if you’re intent on attracting wealthy clients.

Everything above board

The all-important home inspection is definitely something you should do by yourself, i.e. not involve your real estate agent. Hire a certified home inspection professional. In certain states and or provinces, the bar is set low. You want a home inspector that has a wealth of experience, such as 25 years. They should also bring their thermography equipment so they can see where hot and cold patches exist. They will also be able to see through walls, so any hidden leaks inside your home will be spotted quickly. They can also give appliance recall notifications, so your fittings that will remain in the home can be replaced or repaired accordingly. Show the stamp of approval from a home inspector, and an interested buyer will have a weight lifted off their shoulders. Also talk to windows experts.

Be a bit gutsy

Allow your potential buyers to walk around the home as they please. Instead of giving them a guided tour of the property, be a bit gutsy and allow them to do it on their own. This shows supreme confidence in your property; just make sure you have cleaned everything and feel proud to present every inch of your home.

If you want your buyers to be at ease the minute they walk into your home, give them a couple of valuations instead of one. Show them a seal of approval from a certified home inspector.

Discovering Your Happiness

Potentially, this might be one of the most complicated questions that you can ask yourself, or someone can ask of you.

Are you happy?

And it feels like it might be a loaded question, and it’s complicated too. Because if you get asked at 4:30 in the morning after countless airport delays, and you’re going to miss a life-changing business-changing meeting, then you might say no. But if you made the flight, had a coffee in hand, and were going to be on time-then your answer would probably be yes.

Like most emotions, happiness is a flexible emotion. And we hinge much of what we do on it. So it makes sense that we really would like to discover more happiness for ourselves.

And it is important when you take this journey that you understand that happiness means different things to different people. For some happiness is having the perfect hairstyle, a weekend of celebration had a great time. For others, it is a Saturday morning, in bed, reading the paper with a hot coffee. And for others, it is knowing that you have a Bahamas real estate that you can escape to any time you feel like it.

There are, however, some very simple things that can apply to almost anybody’s life. And they can help you anathema contentment in the life that you lead.


It is an unfortunate truth that not everyone is going to show up for you when you need them. And it doesn’t matter how many times you have shown up for them in the past, it might not be a two-way thing. Think of all the times you helped when you knew something was outside of your comfort zone or was going to stretch it in a way that you couldn’t manage.

If you haven’t really thought about what your boundaries are, then think back to a previous situation in your life where you have experienced people that have taken advantage of your good night chat. Think about how it makes you feel, and make a mental note of the things that you actually wish you hadn’t done.

This will help you to begin to lay the foundations of your boundaries and learn to stick with them.


Nature and humans are designed to be close. We actually simply can’t do without it. In fact, it is one of the most likely things you will find that an interior designer suggests for offices to increase contentment and productivity within the workspace. You should take that knowledge and apply it to your own home.

Look around where you are sitting right now; can you see lush greenery, or are you immediately feeling like perhaps you could actually benefit from having plants in the room? This actually isn’t just about plants, either. Well, many people enjoy a more modern industrial metal feel, open haps, even a minimalist design; natural products give it a soft edge. This could be as simple as adding artwork of photos of natural landscapes, candles, or other scented materials that smell like the woodlands, the ocean, or even fruit and flowers.

Think about any time that you’ve headed to the beach, and you could sit and listen to the waves crashing on the shore for hours. Or when you’re walking through the woods or a park or someone that you love and the branches and twigs are cracking beneath your feet. That sense of peace, calm, and happiness is something that you can bring into your home. But you could head out into nature more too.


You need to speak positively to yourself. And positively about the things that impact you. These are often called affirmations. And when people practice self-affirmations, they will have increased activity in the area of the brain that processes your self-worth.

And while it might feel a little bit weird, the easiest way for you to get into the habit of those positive affirmations is starting by saying one every morning into the mirror. Start with something that you want to build confidence in. If it’s that you wish you were more assertive in your emails, for example. Simply say to yourself in the mirror today:

“I’m going to be more assertive in my emails.”

Always try to say “I am,” because this is confirmation of what you are already. You can start with smaller things like I am loved. Repeat every morning to yourself in the mirror until you believe it. And it is very important that you repeat until you don’t have that underlying cringed feeling people off to have when they first start with the affirmations. As soon as you get comfortable, you should add more in.

Remember that these affirmations are all about giving you a positive start to your morning, but not only that, they will help you build confidence, which will last a lifetime.


It is often the case when we do not have anything to look forward to. We can feel that we aren’t being very productive and that we actually don’t have a purpose at all. So it is really important that we create a purpose for ourselves. This means you need to make plans outside of work and other commitments.

Think about the goals that you want to achieve in life or even a hobby that you want to improve on.

It might be that you want to learn how to make playing animals, or it could be that you want to create an Intyre online course. Get serious about those goals, and make space and time for you to be able to achieve that.

It is important when you’re setting goals to try to set yourself deadlines too, Parkinson‘s law means that once we have a deadline set, we are more likely to achieve our goals in that time period.

Of course, these things are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are so many more beautiful ways you can discover what makes you happy, and implement them into your everyday life.

But like everything, these habits will take time to build. Start with something small and work your way up to the big ones.

Snoqualmie: The Mystique Of The North-West

Washington state doesn’t get the praise it should. It’s by far, in the top 3 for the most beautiful parts of America. Although it is right in the northernmost part of the country, it’s not really known for its snowy mountains. Rather, it’s one of the best places to go if you want to explore forests, rivers and open landscapes. One of the best places to go in this great state is Snoqualmie. This small town of just 14,000, is known for its classic American architecture and its luscious surroundings. Neighboring the amazing city of Seattle, this is a small town you can come to and just relax. Everyone minded their business and is automatically polite to one another. It’s a place where you can take life as it comes. There are many homely cafes, mom n’ pop restaurants and places to hike.

The hallmark attraction

As with any state that has incredible landscapes, there is a hallmark attraction you will want to visit. The Snoqualmie Falls has been the backdrop for many Hollywood scenes and documentaries. Around 1.5 million visitors come to the falls every single year. It has a 270-feet drop making it one of the most violent yet beautiful water features in the country. There’s plenty of accommodating experiences as there are wheelchair access, handrails and footpaths up to the peak. The local diners have warm pancakes, waffles and good old black American coffee, made from local roasts. There’s also a winery nearby so you can take a few bottles that you like, home with you.

Back to nature

There’s one clear reason why you come to a town like this, and it’s the yearning to get back to nature. Book yourself on an All Rivers & Saltwater Charters adventure as you will get to explore the Seattle Area Rivers while catching some of the wildest fish in the northern hemisphere. You have professional guides right by your side, so there’s no chance of getting lost in the vast network of rivers and streams. All the equipment is provided for you, such as the tackle, bait, rod, boat, fuel, and personal gear. If this is your first time fishing, they will show you the proper technique and a few tricks of the trade to get your line a bite quicker than most. The sport of trophy fishing might take you by storm when you’re out in the wilderness.

A line to the wild

In the northernmost upper-west state, getting around was and is still challenging. That’s why the history of the Northwest Railway Museum is so fascinating. The steam locomotives made out of iron, are still engineering wonders to behold. Parts of the train station are still trapped in time, showing guests what it would have been like to arrive at this stop, in 1890 when it was built. The architecture is classic Victorian, rare to find in any North-American location.

Snoqualmie is surrounding by forests and rivers that are the same they were millions of years ago. The fresh air, incredible sights and friendly town are well worth the trip out from Seattle.

What Makes A Great Place To Live?

Finding the right place to live might be a lifelong quest – you can never be sure where you’ll find a home in the modern day and age, and only when you settle in and know it in your heart that you’re where you’re supposed to be will you be satisfied with the home you live in. You want a place that’s fun, that allows you to put down roots and expand a little, and you want to feel relaxed and safe.

But there’s some things that can help you out on this kind of quest. After all, if you’ve labored long and hard to get the money together, and now you want to know that the mortgage you apply for will be spent on the right four walls, surely there’ll be some tips out there! Look at getting good windows contractors to get your house filled with natural light and look stylish at the same time. So, with this in mind, let’s go through some of the things that make a place great to live in.

Green Space and Quiet Places

One of the main things you want when moving to a new area is the promise that greena and open spaces are nearby, and that they’re as peaceful and secluded as you would need them to be. Even when living in a city, it shouldn’t be a hard push to find a park in the center or on the outskirts, where you can go for fresh air or to walk the dog.

Take London, Ontario as a good example here – London is an great place to live because of its emphasis on natural environments and the need for them in day to day life. It’s known as the ‘Forest City’ because of how green the whole place is, and that’s important for both your current and future happiness when trying to find a place to call home.

Facilities to Suit Your Family Situation

If you’re someone with a big family, you’re going to want plenty of child friendly places to take the kids on weekends and days off. Similarly, if you’re someone with elderly parents or a disabled sibling that you help to take care of, you’re going to want to move somewhere that has accessible facilities and a great local community support.

All in all, you need to move somewhere that’s suitable to your current living situation, and not just a place you think would be good for the future.

There’s an Eco-Friendly Plan in Place

And finally, make sure you’re moving somewhere that has a green plan all set and ready to go, and is taking steps to reduce the carbon footprint of the city as a whole. After all, you want to move somewhere sustainable, where you can do your bit for the planet, and that’s key to feeling happy and fulfilled in your home setting! Cities are growing quite rapidly, and the environment is struggling to keep up; move somewhere you can be sure you’re helping to offset the problem.

What makes a great place to live? Ultimately, it’s up to you!

Working @ Home Starts

Well it has started. I wasn’t expecting it since they said that the dispatching of office systems to our homes will take some time but we are now not working from the office officially from today. There are still a few people still at the office premises but we were told not to come in as it isn’t essential for us to do so. This information was passed onto us by the afternoon (we usually work late evenings to early morning).

We have shared our address details (some are from outside of Cochin and hence can give either their current address or their home address) and we are waiting for the office systems to be dispatched to our homes and then have them setup VPNs for us. This could take a few days as I and my team are considered to be part of the support staff and thus the frontliners get preference. So it’s a matter of waiting until they turn up and do the setup for me.

We can attend calls and continue taking e-learning sessions from our home pcs/laptops but I would prefer working on them using the office pcs. It seems so weird as I have all this free time but cannot go anywhere. Oh well, there is a lot of stuff to watch on tv (streaming and dvd). I will sleep a lot too I guess.

No, this picture below is not of me – though I love Star Trek I do not own a cat (used to) or a Mac.

Sunday Shutdown Due To Corona Virus

The state of Kerala is on self-imposed 14 -hour Janata curfew is total in the state when three hours of self-isolation has been completed. The curfew began at 7 am and will end at 9 pm. However now it’s been extended till 5am MOnday. All the roads were seen empty in the state and people are busy cleaning their houses as part of containing the Covid-19 spread. All the transport services including KSRTC  kept off the roads and all the shops except emergency services were seen locked. Private taxi and autorickshaws also joined the curfew.  In the front of Secretariat, the agitators also left home giving solidarity to the Union and state governments to combat the disease threat.

I haven’t heard a single vehicle all day long (it’s 6:15 pm now) and I haven’t even heard a single other person other than my parents who I live with. The train services were also cut shortened. In Kochi, the metro rail services are not operating as it already informed that they will not operate on Sunday. However, the government has issued strict instructions to ensure that essential services shouldn’t be hit. The chief minister has said that delivery of milk and water shouldn’t be interrupted and hospital canteens, including those in private hospitals, should remain open throughout Sunday. Petrol pumps would also remain open. The curfew was called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan had said that the state government would also join to the curfew as part of the collective effort to combat the threat of virus.

As the day progressed, both the Centre and States took slew of measures to contain the contagion that has already claimed 7 lives even as the number of infected nears 350. While the Center announced suspension of inter-state passenger train and bus services till March 31, Delhi’s CM announced a lockdown from 6AM Monday till midnight of March 31.