Day: December 3, 2020
Secret Wish
Tell us about something you secretly want to do, but have never tried.
So let me tell you two of them. I will tell you the first one now. It’s a secret that I think shouldn’t be much of a secret.
The first one is that I wish I could move out and live on my own. Let me explain. I live in a smallish 3 bedroom apartment which my parents and I moved into back in 2006. At first we shared the expenses but as my dad retired a couple of years ago, I pay all the bills. Even before I knew that I couldn’t move out and still contribute the way I can. My sister also contributes a lot, takes my parents out for hospital runs and the odd shopping.
See my quandary? I would love to have my own privacy and space. I want things to be done my way yet I can’t afford to move out and pay rent for my new place, spend money to get things that I would need for there (fridge, washing machine, cooking stuff etc etc) and my monthly expenses and also give money for monthly expenses at home. And don’t get me wrong; I love my parents (when they don’t get on my nerves, especially my mom) and want them to be comfortable and happy, but I have my own needs and it’s getting difficult to not have my own place.
I want a nice 3 bedroom apartment or a house. 2 bedroom and a den. I want to decorate it my way and with things that I like. And I want to keep a dog. Not that my folks won’t have a problem with a dog but 3 people and 1 dog in a small apartment would be a bit congested. I don’t have the luxury of having my own place. Yet I have to pay for everything.
Prompt from 31 Days Of Writing Prompts For December at The SitsGirls