I Love PayPal

I remember hearing about Paypal for a long time and wondering why it was a big deal. This online wallet was being asked for by many online merchant websites and I didn’t have one and neither did I know how to get one. It was by 2013 that I tried to create a Paypal account and found that there were issues. I needed a credit card. And till that I was adamant that I wouldn’t get a credit card but it’s only because I wanted to buy things from international websites like Amazon.com/ca/uk and ebay.com/uk/ca that I took one.

So I tried to apply for a credit card but it would actually be 2015 January when I got one and that is mostly because the company I worked for at the time was brand new and the bank had issues with it. So I waited till I joined an established company and I applied and got a credit card. Then I created a Paypal account and had to link my PAN card and credit card to the account. Paypal has an Indian site/service and I could now use it for online purchases – mainly for ebay as they prefer online payment through them.

I also use Paypal for receiving payments from clients who ask me for adding links or writing posts for them. So I get payments from them and I can transfer the money to my bank account or card. And I can use Paypal for buying stuff on ebay.

Cold Day Itinerary

What is your favorite thing to do on a cold day?

Well I don’t know about you guy but it doesn’t really get so cold over here. It is a tropical state after all. However on days that it rains very heavily and there is a strong wind, it can get a little bit cold. Nothing that people who have proper winters face but still cold for us. This past monsoon season was kinda really cold and it was nice.

On such days I will drink a lot of hot coffee. That is a given. Sometimes I will also order coffee from a nice cafe like Cafe Coffee Day or now since the end of October, Starbucks. Some other cafes also have good coffee and I can order them via Swiggy or Zomato and get the coffee delivered to me. Like regular coffee is fine but at times I crave a nice cappuccino or mocaccino. On warmer days it’s a frappuccino.

I will lie in bed and snuggle between the sheets and watch a couple of movies. It’s not worth it to get up unless its for food or more coffee.

Prompt from 31 Days Of Writing Prompts For December at The SitsGirls