New Social Media Share Buttons

I’ve wanted to make some changes to my blog’s layout for quite a while now. I would like to either find a theme or make changes to the current theme to increase the size of the posts from 618 to something more like 700 or 750. I feel that the gaps on the sides which are blank are needed but they can be decreased to something less than what they are currently.

I also wanted to make changes to the font colours and font sizes but I rarely do sit down and work out the look and feel of the website. I used to spend a lot more time and effort on getting the look changed but I can’t be bothered much these days. Anyways I did make one change recently to the blog and that is what you see below:

I changed the plugin for sharing the posts to various social media sites. I made the change to the slightly lengthier (but not by much) buttons that you see on the posts and above on the gif. I uninstalled the previous one I had and after looking around for a plugin found and installed Simple Social Media Share Buttons. Yes, that is the name of the app.

Simple Social Buttons adds ( with lots of options like Sidebar, inline, above and below the posts content, on photos, popups, fly ins ) an advanced set of social media sharing buttons to your WordPress sites, such as: Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn and Pinterest. I habe only added the ones I used regularly.

Take a look and tell me what you think.


What would I do with 1 million USD? That would be Rs. 7,30,92,250 after the currency conversion.  First of all, I would quit. Just call up and say “I quit” and then accept retirement. What wouldn’t I do with that kind of money! Just to give you a perspective, some of the biggest luxury apartments (about the size of 2 large 3 bedroom regular apartments) are half a crore.

So I would buy 3 of those – 1 for my parents, 1 for my sister and her family and 1 for me. With the rest of the money, I’d invest some of it so that it gives me a bunch of savings off the interests. I’d travel a bit, live in luxury 5 star hotels and buy the latest gadgets. I’d enjoy seeing the places that I have always wanted to see but mostly I’d live a quiet life.

I’d want a quiet almost retired life. Stay in and enjoy not having to worry about money or work and all that stuff. I’d live my life and enjoy indulging in my hobbies and just relax for the rest of my life. I’d be a very boring rich guy but I don’t mind.

Prompt from Keeping a Journal in 2020: Journaling Prompts