Racy Jokes About Priests

Did you hear about the new Exorcist movie? The Devil came to get the Priest out of the child.

How do you get a nun pregnant? – Dress her up as an alter boy.

The worst part about church is that you’re constantly switching between sitting, standing and kneeling; I mean, why can’t the priest just pick a position and f**k me already!

A priest and a rabbi run out of a burning church and the Priest says “what about the children” the rabbi says “fuck the children” and the Priest says “do you think we’ll have time”

Boy goes to Confession Boy ” What are you doing father” Priest “Its called masturbation and soon you will be doing it” Boy ” Why do you say that father” Priest ” Cause my hand is getting tired”

Travel Back In Time

If you could time travel to any year, which one would you visit?

I am not sure. There are a few years that I wish I could go back to and visit my childhood again. Some really special years come to my mind. I really like the first two years of the 1990s. Add 1993 in as well. I think if I could go back I would make quite a few changes to my life and choice and still enjoy the times. Especially since those 3 years had such great music being released as well.

I would also like to revisit my 18th year in life for different reasons. I want to make a few changes for events that happened that year. I think I would like to do that very much. Also I want to go back and visit the period between October 2004 to 2005. I worked a lot during that time but I also had a lot of fun and was very satisfied with the work that I did during that time. I enjoyed myself. I have never ever had that kind of satisfaction again.

For some reason I also want to go and visit August 2nd 2005 once again. That was the day I turned 29. I dunno why but that birthday, a rainy, gloomy day I spent on my own and having a late lunch with drinks always sticks in my memory. I just want to do it again.

Prompt from 31 Days of Writing Prompts for May at The SitsGirls