My Current Night Routine In The 8Am To 5Pm Work Week

Well since I recently blogged about my new & current morning routine, with me having been working in the morning shift for over a month now. 4 weeks of this shift, I have now gotten used to this new time line which will continue for another 20 days or more. So I have managed to form some sort of a routine. As mentioned in the previous post, I wake up at 6:30 am and start my work from 8 am till 5 pm. After I send my trainees on their merry way, I check to see if I have any other work to get to.

Once that is done I shut down my office pc, which is usually by 5:30 pm and go get a coffee. I look at what snack I can enjoy along with it, which since I am on Keto is limited to popcorn and peanuts. I also have Keto approved dark chocolate and I might break a couple of pieces to enjoy. I am now on Youtube and playing music videos and checking out Facebook and other stuff. Between 6:30 pm & 7 pm I usually go to take a hot shower (it’s not too hot but it is raining quite a bit and the water tends to be cold in the evening) and then settle down in front of the laptop again.

Unfortunately we tend to have team meetings at 8pm on a daily basis. And so I login to Webex on my phone and attend the meet which usually lasts for 30 minutes. By 9 pm I tend to have my dinner. I try to shutdown my laptop by 9:30 pm or 9:45 pm and watch some tv series shows on my tv. Usually By 11 or so I am sleepy so I will switch off the tv, go the washroom and then come back in to my bedroom and switch the lights off, take off my glasses and climb into bed between the sheets so I can dream about futuristic spaceships, me, a hot blonde, a Golden Retriever, 2 cats and a black Lab/Dalmation and some of our robots flying off to distance planets and fighting off evil aliens and have adventures as a family.

Prompt from 50+ Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas at Blogging And Living

Keto Chocolates: GoWhey’s 70% Dark Chocolate Bars

So as part of the Keto diet I was thinking “What can I have for desert?” I looked around and found some chocolate bars that I can have which are Keto friendly. They are low on carbs and have zero sugar added to them. And it is dark chocolate! Which I like.

GoWhey is an Indian company that makes healthy deserts that you can enjoy while still on a diet. They started out with ice cream, with an initial 4 flavours and then branched out to another 4 more. They then launched their Dark Chocolate series with various flavours added and later on cookies. I am so glad that they exist because I was wondering as to what my options would be for desert. Other than watermelon I wasn’t sure if I could have anything but then I did think, that dark chocolate was good for you as long as there is no sugar added.

This was the first one I tried out. It is their Sugar Free Dark Chocolate 70%- Sweetened with Stevia- Keto Friendly and it is good. I like the taste a lot. I am slowly getting used to not having sugar and hence the stevia tastes good in this chocolate. Ingredients- Indian Cocoa Mass, Cocoa Butter, Erythritol, Whey Protein Isolate, Stevia. With No Added sugar and artificial sweetener, we use Stevia and Erythritol to sweeten the chocolates.