This is gonna sound weird to you but I have told you before that I always think about futuristic scifi scenarios and that I and most people I know are alive in that world which is set like a few 1000 years into the future. Think Star Trek with more advanced technology including a force field or personal shield that makes you invincible against any weapon, any natural or unnatural elements like diseases, viruses, harmful rays or anything. Basically invincible as long as we don’t fly into a sun!
So, in this same universe I am part of the X-Files team. Yes that X-Files! However in this dream and in this supreme futuristic universe, the team consists of Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, John Doggett & Reyez. Or rather, they are investigators who are part of the Human Federation and are sent on missions to alien planets and settlements in other parts of the galaxy to investigate murders & other crimes. And in this dream they are actually brought together to form a unit, even though they know of each other and have worked briefly together in the past, by Asst. Deputy Director Walter Skinner under orders to get an elite investigating team together under his jurisdiction as the demand for impartial investigators who are alien and have the advanced technology and skills that our team does.
So the setting is on this station in deep space, let’s just call it Deep Space 50 even though I do not remember a mention in my dream. Skinner has summoned all 4 seasoned agents – Agents Mulder, Doggett, Reyes and Agent/Dr. Dana Scully to for a team that will report to him and travel via a small starship and then report back to Deep Space 50 in between cases. So the meeting starts and ofcourse there is the problem with who will lead the team – Skinner decides that there will be no team leader but each agent is given priorities & roles to do during the missions like medical examinations by Scully! Then Skinner says he is adding on a new member to the team who will pilot the spacecraft and also is in charge of weapons and the militaristic android/robots who will be added to the team.
In comes … ofcourse. I am the pilot and investigator, and also from the more militaristic Starfleet section of the Federation, who specializes in weapons and using commands to a more advanced lead robot, I also command the android/robots who are there for helping us and added protection. I am introduced to the team and I professes my admiration for their body of work. We are dismissed and go to a conference room, where I introduce them to the lead roboto and my dog, Shawny, who is also traveling with us. After they all pet the dog I show them 3d images of the starship we will be traveling in for these missions and brief them about the various areas.
There are quarters for each of us, plus in case of emergencies rooms for an additional 6 more people. The rest of the ship consists of a meeting room/dinning room, a big lounge, a couple of labs, work out areas and ofcourse the small engineering section which my lead robot & I can manage. On the second deck is the weapons lockers and a couple of air/water/land vehicles we can use to travel on the planets we visit as well. Everything set, our first mission is to investigate a series of murders on a planet that has 5 alien races who are mining the rich minerals and materials on that planet. They have lived with relatively no problems – just minor skirmishes between the races – but this series of murders is from all 5 races and they are on the verge of an all out battle.
So the next morning we leave headed for the planet and that is just the beginning of our missions. In between we head back to the space station and report to Skinner and the hierarchy. We become really good friends and have fun during the downtime of the missions and even while on the missions. Also Reyes and I develop a romantic relationship, which we keep secret from the rest (though Dana seems to know about it) and have a lot of fun while we are alone.
Prompt from SEPTEMBER BLOG AND JOURNAL PROMPTS From Living A Sunshine Life