2 Weeks of A Regular Day Shift, 2 More To Go

After a restful 2 day weekend (I worked the previous Saturday and will have to work this one as well) I will start yet another training batch tomorrow. There is a good chance that the batch will get postponed to Tuesday but I will be ready to start by 8:30 am tomorrow. There usually is a problem on Mondays as the system lags when they try to create all the profiles for the new folks who have joined in and this delay usually means that we call off the training on Monday and start afresh on the following Tuesday.

While I hate waking up at 7 am (it would have to be 6 am if I had to travel to the office) the best thing I love about this shift timing is that I get to knock off at 5:30 pm. Well not quite since I also have some other stuff that I need to do after that for maybe a day or two. Which is annoying since I have to extend and donate my time but not only will I not get paid extra for it but I also get nothing out of it.

Anyways, I will also have to sleep early. I usually get to bed by 10 pm and then try to watch some tv shows but most days I end up falling asleep by 11 pm. Sometimes I can stay awake and watch 2 or 3 episodes of a tv show or multiple shows as I try to catch up with the week’s tv. Sleep though is never enough for me it seems in this shift timing and I always want to snooze my alarm. Sometimes I do for atleast 20 minutes. But that is the maximum I can get as I will need to get up and get the day started.

Microneedling Treatment Process Or Cosmetic Procedure

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy. With the evolution of the equipment and techniques, Microneedling treatment process has become more prevalent within skin-care practices.

The steps done by a professional usually are:

  • Your doctor will check your skin issues and discuss with you the possible outcomes and the number of sessions that may be required to observe visible results. Your doctor may also prescribe vitamin A and C supplements a month before the procedure. This boosts the cell turnover and collagen production in your skin, which help to get the desired benefits of microneedling.
  • A mild anaesthetic cream will be applied on the skin surface, before starting the procedure. This will decrease the pain or discomfort, if any, during the process.
  • The doctor will use either a dermaroller or a pen-like instrument with microneedles, and swipe it uniformly across the surface of your skin. This may take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes depending on the area being treated.
  • To finish off, a calming moisturiser or serum will be applied to soothe the treated area.
  • Microneedling can be practically done anywhere on your body depending on your treatment goals.

The treatment will take between 10 and 20 minutes, though you’ll need to buffer in more time if you’re receiving topical anesthesia. According to the March 2017 Dermatologic Surgery study, some redness or mild irritation can appear in the first few days — that’s just the skin recovering. The redness should go away within three days. You might also notice that your skin feels tight, swollen, dry, or sensitive to the touch in the days immediately following the treatment, or it might flake away within the week. An in-office treatment will set you back somewhere between $100 and $700, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Microneedling may help with issues like:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss (also called alopecia)
  • Dark spots or patches on your skin (hyperpigmentation)
  • Large pores
  • Reduced skin elasticity
  • Scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles