The Flight Attendant

The Flight Attendant is an American dark comedy drama mystery thriller television series developed by Steve Yockey based on the 2018 novel of the same name by Chris Bohjalian. It stars Kaley Cuoco in the title role and premiered on HBO Max on November 26, 2020. In December 2020, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on April 21, 2022. American flight attendant Cassie Bowden is a reckless alcoholic who drinks during flights and spends her time having sex with strangers, including her passengers.

When she wakes up in a hotel room in Bangkok with a hangover from the night before, she discovers the dead body of a passenger on her last flight lying next to her with his throat slashed. Afraid to call the police, she cleans up the crime scene, then joins the other airline crew traveling to the airport. In New York City, she is met by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who question her about the layover in Bangkok. Still unable to piece the night together, and suffering intermittent flashbacks/hallucinations about it, she begins to wonder who the killer could be.

The Impact That Blogging Has Had On My Life.

Describe the impact that blogging has had on your life.

Well, for one I can easily go back in time when I want to and read about a thought or an idea or something that happened. Atleast since 2002. 20 years. Most of the eventful things that has happened in my life plus a lot of insignificant stuff, is easily available for me to read and relive when I just go back and search for it or go to particular dates back in the year I am looking at.

Other that I would also say that the money I have made, some nice chunk of change, has made things quite easier for me. I bought two mobile phones, the ones that I use now, my current laptop, my computer chair, a lot of dvds and some Funko pops and even let me take a couple of 3 to 4 day holidays without having to dip into my salary money. That was an awesome feeling. But it hasnā€™t lasted and now I am lucky if I can make Rs.6000 a month from my blog. But the dream is still there that I can just make a bunch of money every month off my blog.

Other than that, I think that it has improved my communication skills a bit and my writing. It has definitely made me search for more things online so I can create a few blog posts about things and that increased my knowledge and awareness.