I never thought blogging would…
I didn’t think it would become such an integral part of who I am. When I first started blogging inspired by a couple of blogs it was mostly as a journal that I never expected would last for a few years. How wrong I was?
Ever since I started daily blogging in late 2006, blogging has become one of the things that define me. It is my release and it is a comfort and it is one of the few things that helps to keep me sane. If I didn’t have this blog I might have to resort to keeping a physical journal but it just isn’t the same feeling of being able to jot down stuff online. It is a good habit to do so, I think, but I wouldn’t do daily journaling if it was in a book.
I also never thought that I would money through my blog. Even though it is a small trickle now, atleast I have made some nice money through it. That is actually the extra creamy, deliciously rich chocolate icing on the cake.
Prompt from BLOG EVERY DAY IN OCTOBER: BLOGTOBER14 at HeleninBetween.com