Three things you love about Christmas and three things you hate about it

Make a list of three things you love about Christmas and three things you hate about it.

Three things I love about the Holiday season

  • I love the idea of a Christmas/Yule holiday season or atleast what is shown on North American and some European countries. Snow outside, a fully decorated, tree inside the house in the corner of the living room, with lots of presents at the bottom, Hot chocolate, marshmallows, coffee with Baileys, eggnog, roast chicken, lots of other good food, cake and what not. Kids in pjs excited over their breakfast and gifts and the family dogs & cats also getting their gifts. It’s a warm cozy feeling.
  • The giving and receiving of gifts. Ok, we don’ really do that in India but atleast we have the obligatory office Secret Santa thingy and do atleast get 1 gift a year :D But yes in the countries that do, I find it to be a very nice thing.
  • The overall feel good thing about getting a day off from the grind of work. I wish we get a few days of like a lot of countries do or how the school & college kid get. But yes getting a day off from work is good.

Three things I don’t like about Christmas

  • The terrible religious aspects of it. Christianity stole from European Paganism and in particular converted Yule to make it like it’s the birth of some Jewish carpenter. It is not!
  • The fake “piousness” and the “formal singing” of some of these artists & even regular people when they have to sing a Christmas themed song. He wasn’t the son of god and he wasn’t born on this day either!
  • That we here in India do not get the full effect of snow and gifts.