While there are many fictional places that I would love to visit from science fiction stories & movies and fantasy movies, there is one place that is top of every other place in fiction that I would love to visit and stay in – never to return. It is the the fictional world I have created, set a few thousand years in the future. A beautiful future where science and technology is so advanced that we have eliminated poverty, thirst, hunger, homelessness and all accidents and diseases as our technology helps us to avoid them no matter what. Also, having left earth far behind, humans, the animals & birds we have on this planet (except for some disgusting ones like insects, spiders, leeches & cockroaches) now live on 10 planets and 7 moons in another star system.
How? Well, having conquered faster than light speed and being able to build comfortable large starships, humanity moved on and took the animals and birds with them and settled on these new worlds. We also have invented this very easily customizable forcefield or shield that is indestructible and no weapon or element can penetrate it and we have it surrounding our home planets, our spaceships and our settlements on other world as well. If you want to step outside of these spaceships, you can do so in a forcefield protected suit or with two mini robots that generate the forcefield around us as we walk on a distant moon or planet without the suit.
And so now that we have these 17 worlds, we can spread around and let the animals get more space to do their things. Weather is controlled so we have pleasant winter, cool summers, autumn and spring is so beautiful and the rains so lovely. But we humans also explore the galaxy, space travel is so easy, it’s the equivalent of traveling in cars or buses or large ships on the sea. Imagine a large luxury yacht or cruise ship in space. Except it’s covered all over due to us traveling in space. Exploring the universe, safe in a luxury setting with cushions, sofas, big beds, plenty of food via replicators, plush carpeting, robots to cater to our needs and help us, dogs and cats and other pets able to easy live along with us in the ships. Oh and also, due to a pollen found on one of these planets, and which spread on all of us human and animals, we stopped aging and now are immortal.
So now imagine a Utopian existence that you have created, immortality and no issue with home, food or drink, no illness or pain or death, and a whole universe to explore in safety without fear of the external elements or aliens weaponry. That’s where I want to go! Along with my family ofcourse. And my friends are gonna be there too with their families & pets.
Prompt from January Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers at Jo Linsdell.com