How I Celebrated The New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day

Well as far as New Year’s goes mine was a very sedate affair. It was one of those quite, boring New Year’s Eve that I knew it was going to be. I was working the day so I woke up by 7 am as usual and settled in front of the laptop till 8 am, which is when I usually go and make my first cup of coffee of the day. Then after coffee and grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast, I just lazed around and watched vlogs and music videos.

By 12 I was showered and ready for work. I had a quick lunch with my parents – we were hoping one of my cousins would come for lunch but he had to leave for his home town. Post lunch more work and I took a beak at 5:30 pm for some Lays and another coffee. My sister took my parents and my niece out for dinner, so I ordered a burger and wings for mine and ate it quickly with some Sprite. At 9pm me and the other two supervisors said our wishes to the agent crowd and then we wound up for the day and the year. My parents came back by then so I asked my niece to cut a cake I had bought and serve everyone. We also gave some to the neighbours.

I went to bed by 10:30 pm and watched some Friends but fell asleep before midnight. This morning I woke up by 7 am – yet again – and I had the same routine. Brushed my teeth, went to the loo by 7, coffee at 8. Breakfast was done by 9:30 am then another coffee by 10:30 pm. Lunch at 1:45 pm then I watched Spiderman 2 (from 2004). Evening after coffee I have mostly been online, doing nothing. Just chilling. I will try to watch a football match at 11 pm, now that I am done with dinner.

Happy 18th Blogaversary To Awake & Dreaming & To Me

Happy 18th birthday to Awake & Dreaming and a Happy 18th Blogaversary to me. It’s been 17 years already and it looks like I missed to acknowledge the day for the past atleast 2 in the last 18 years. That is odd as I swear I thought that I had posted similar posts every year. Anyways, happy 18th.

It was on the 1st of January that I setup this blog in a day with the help of my cousin (over the phone), who guided me through the process and by night I had the thing setup. Then I installed WordPress and started blogging. I then spent many days trying out various themes; I think this one here is the 31st or so theme that I have tried out.

This isn’t my first blog though; I first started blogging in 2002, through, when I lived in Calicut and continued with it when I moved back to Cochin. I was an inconsistent blogger, nothing having an internet connection at home & from 2003 till 2006, not having a computer at home. By 2005 I started getting more & more into blogging and I created a new one in and called it Count Roshculla : Awake & Dreaming. I started spending more time in internet cafes and hence could blog a lot more consistently. But I always wanted my very own website & domain and I wanted to install WordPress. That was achieved on January 1st, 2007.

I have made quite a bit of money with this blog. Especially since November of 2018. I’ve since been able to get myself off to a little holiday in a nice hotel, bought a heck ton of dvds and boxsets that I have craved for so long and even been able to take a date to nice meals. It’s stopped by early 2021 but I am so proud of what I have done, especially in the last couple of years. This blog is a big part of me and I want to continue through for several more years to come.


Every year on January 1st, I post about the first 11 songs that I listen to on my Mp3 player on my system. I pick them at random or like today when I specifically selected a couple of songs because I was thinking about them. This year, like the last few, I listened to them on Youtube instead of from my mp3 collection.

  1. The Final Countdown – Europe
  2. Always The Last To Know – Del Amitri
  3. Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root
  4. Don’t Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas) – Regina Spektor
  5. Big City Nights – Scorpions
  6. Hazard – Richard Marx
  7. Torn – Natalie Imbruglia
  8. Beds Are Burning – Midnight Oil
  9. We Didn’t Start The Fire – Billy Joel
  10. Horizon – Nickelback
  11. Hands Clean – Alanis Morissette