The Three Fictional Science Fiction Futures That I Have Created & Write About

These are the three fictional science fiction futures that I have dreamed about and made up in my mind. And this is not anything very recent, except for the first time which was due to Covid. I have been thinking about stuff like this since back when I was a teenager. I remember telling the story of my imaginations to friends back in the early 2000s. So anyway, I am trying to write down some of these but which future would you prefer?

1. This is during the height of Covid-19 and lockdowns. During this period, we get reports that NASA has shared images of millions of large objects moving towards the earth. When they come close enough, it turns out to be what we think are alien space crafts. Huge spaceships the size of New York City. But they aren’t aliens as it turns out to be, they are us or our descendants. Futuristic humans come to us from 3000-5000 years in the future. They left earth a long time ago and settled on a few distant planets. Their technologies advanced so much but now their growth is stunted, they don’t grow old or die and since their numbers are limited, they come to our present and offer to take as many humans as possible, hopefully all of us, so we can live a life in luxury, not worry about illness or death or hunger, everything at our finger tips. Our families and pets live safely and we also get to travel the universe with our advanced descendants.

2.  We advance so much that our technology allows us to build spaceships the size of a city – easily accommodate about a million humans with many animals in these ships. You get to stay in units like apartments with your extended family and pets. So your family in an apartment, next to your your cousins, uncles and aunts etc etc. You also get common rooms to lounge, play games, have large lunches and dinners, watch movies so you get to spend so much time with your families during the 3 to 4 years that it takes to reach the new earth like planets & moons we have identified to be our new homes. In these city ships, you can also go and visit our friends and other people, everything is taken care of for us, easy access to food and drinks, kind of like replicators, and over all time slows down for us so we don’t grow old. After the 3 to 4 years it takes to get to the new planets, the homes are quickly built for us so families can settle in and relax. You work for bettering yourself and the rest of humanity and also explore the galaxy in ships. No problems for us in terms of health or food or thirst.

3. It is 4000-5000 years from now and we are all born on distant planets and moons. Humanity is very powerful and advanced and travel the galaxy and have a fleet of spaceships like Starfleet. We are friendly with some aliens and fight evil aliens but we have special shields or forcefields that protect us from harm so we do a lot of policing. Due to this forcefield, which we also have generated around our planets and moons, we have stunted growth and hence do not grow old and die but stay at a particular age. Traveling the galaxy for fun is so easy as long as we obey some basic rules. Or you can stay back home on the planets and do whatever you want and have peace knowing that you and your fellow humans are safe and as are your pets and we never know hunger, thirst or illness.