#6: House sharing is technically illegal
3 or more young singles are technically not allowed to live together. This is to prevent a load of house shares. Yet this law is pretty much never enforced though, so it’s pretty pointless and bizarre.
#7: It’s illegal to go into a coffee shop if you’re under 18
Contrary to what the video suggests, it’s not illegal for under 18’s to go into a regular coffee shop (‘cafe’), but if it’s there to sell weed, you aren’t allowed in, soz. NO DRUGS FOR U18s. Seems fair enough, we can’t drink till we are 18 either.
#8: Trees must be reinforced to prevent them sinking by canals
Canal houses, including trees and other structures must be reinforced so they don’t sink. So it’s not just the
houses, but the trees too! It’s great that trees are just as protected as the canal-side houses.
#9: Tenants have incredible protection when renting
Good for tenants and not so good for landlords, tenants have an incredible amount of protection. In fact, the landlord can’t kick you out unless it gets taken to court. Pretty bizarre if you aren’t paying the rent and trashing the place. Great if you don’t want to be made homeless by your landlord for literally no reason.
#10: You can only pee in a canal if you’re pregnant
Peeing in a public place is not allowed (hence the urinals everywhere) and many fatalities have happened from drunk people peeing canals. This is fair enough, however, when pregnant it is allowed. Not exactly safe though is it… this is one of the pretty weird laws that the Netherlands has.